“Rosh Hashanah 2022 Christian Rapture Alert!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/19/2022

There was an article I read in 2021 that said Jesus Christ was coming back that year. Did I think it was possible? Sure! Some were seeing certain nations lining up the way Jewish and Christian Biblical Prophecy stated they would be, and certain prophecies seemed to be fulfilled month by month systematically. Did I sit in fear or try to sell off valuables? No, because I don’t have anything of great value to sell. Did I pray more than usual? Yes, but not out of fear for my life and/or being ‘left behind’ since it’s not about me and my failures. IT’S ALL ABOUT WHAT JESUS DID FOR ME! I didn’t freak out when Jesus didn’t come in the clouds for me yet. I kept researching my ancestry lineage, reading more books about Christian Faith and Historical Novels as well. Even though we didn’t go in 2021, there might be reasons.

I’ve mentioned this before in a couple other Op-Eds, but I wanted to lay out why I feel I need to revisit this topic at this time in 2022. One of the things that stood out to me recently while I kept going farther back in my lineage was that those who did the maps went from 1 B.C (B.C.E.) to 1 A.D. (C.E.) WITHOUT 0. Is this a problem? I don’t know, but I do know that God Almighty in His Word is a God of numbers… HE NEVER FULFILLED A PROPHECY BEFORE TIME. IF that group was correct with all of the other reasons why they though 2021 was when Jesus Christ would return in the sky to get Christian believers then MAYBE that 1 year could be the reason why we didn’t leave. That might sound over- simplified, but humans make mistakes and our calendars could be off more than 1 year too. That could be why too.

Some have taught a good portion of my now fifty years that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah because Jesus told His disciples that. “No man know the day or the hour,” and that is said by some that it was a ‘wink and a nod’ to His disciples since that is supposed to be a colloquialism for that holiday. It’s possible, and if the 1 year of 0 is the defining discrepancy, then in 2022 from sundown on 09/25/2022 to sundown 09/27/2022 could be the time when Christ returns to take ALL those who have accepted Him as Savior by Faith in the Blood He shed on Calvary for ALL of humanity’s sins IF WE BELIEVE IN HIM AND LET HIM CHANGE US. It’s really that simple. Acknowledging you have the sin-taint of Adam and then accept what Jesus did, it SAVES YOU!

IF this is what happens in about six to eight days, then every single person needs to inspect your heart, pray for the Lord to help you give what you are struggling with to Him to be ready, and share your Faith in Christ to every single person you know or come across this next week at least. I WILL BE. I’m not religious either. I wear blue jeans, tee-shirts, makeup, and listen to eighties music sometimes that isn’t Christian. I also pray for the Lord to help me let go of anything that could interfere with me being ‘changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye’ the way Apostle Paul said. I believe that when we are saved by Grace that it is ONLY by FAITH in JESUS. I don’t earn my Salvation through works. I earn my rewards at the Judgement Seat of Christ in Heaven during the Great Tribulation on Earth. I want Jesus proud of me!

IF this doesn’t happen in about six to eight days, THEN it could be because the final Revival hasn’t happened, the last soul to be saved during the Grace Dispensation Period (Church Age) hasn’t happened, and/or the last Israeli supposed to have returned to Jerusalem before hasn’t arrived yet. I read an article online on Kehila news “Yeshua’s Hidden Identity Revealed on Succoth, His true Birthday!” by Richard Honorof dated Oct. 7, 2020. He wrote an amazing piece about how and why Jesus IS the Messiah that made my heart to rejoice! He also said that His return due to numeric prophecy that it wouldn’t happen until 2029. It is possible we will remain here until then, but I don’t know if he’s basing the ‘return’ as the ‘in the clouds’ to get His believers OR if he meant when Jesus puts His feet on the place where He ascended from before.

THAT difference MAKES a difference! IF he means 2029 in the clouds, his reasoning seemed sound so it is also possible. IF he means 2029 with the feet touching Mount Olivet, THEN that would be AFTER the Great Tribulation. IF it is that, THEN 2029-7=2022. God Almighty IS the Creator God of the Universe with Numeric absolutes in all the Biblical histories. I really WANT another Revival to happen since I haven’t seen it happen yet. I also don’t know who it is that has to be saved or return to Israel BEFORE we can leave. It could take another seven years. It could also only take seven or so days. I DON’T KNOW FOR SURE! I’m just trying to make people AWARE that it COULD! “Blow the trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm in Thy Holy Mountain! Blow the Trumpet in Zion! Sound the ALARM!” I’M TRYING TO DO IT!

I’m not the only one. I see many who are trying to reach as many people with the Truth of Jesus Christ each day around America and around the world. I fail to take an opportunity sometimes, but I also try to follow that up with one I do take. During my time at the Judgment Seat of Christ in Heaven I will watch as some of my works in the crucible burn to wood, hay, or stubble; I also might have a little gold, silver, or jewels that remain though… maybe songs I wrote for Him, maybe the times I encouraged others for Him, or maybe even one soul or two that got saved from something I said or helped with for Him. THAT is what I hope and pray for every day. Each soul MATTERS TO JESUS! YOU MATTER TO JESUS! No matter who or what you are right now, JESUS WANTS TO SAVE YOU! Let Him… you won’t regret it.

“Father God Almighty, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Son and died for my sins on the cross at Calvary. I ask You to forgive my sins by my Faith in Jesus now. Save me. Cleanse me. Redeem me. Help me to live for You and share what You have done for me with others so they might know you too. In Jesus’ name I pray!”

If you have prayed that prayer and BELIEVED it then you are now one of His. Find a Christian Bible – you can read it for FREE at www.blueletterbible.org online with several versions. I prefer the King James Bible version but also compare it with the Revised New International Version and have found it inspiring. I’m a Full-Gospel Christian, which means that I believe in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit since I’ve let the Holy Spirit flow through me for them to be used in church services since I was thirteen years old and know the reality of them all. Feeling God Almighty let His Holy Spirit flow through you for Faith, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, healing, miracles, discernment, prophecy, messages and interpretations in tongues is the most Divine and fulfilling things in life for me. Salvation and Faith is best for ALL!