“Saturday Mid-Holiday Rosh Hashanah”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©09/16/2023

I posted the first 2023 Rosh Hashanah Op-Ed last night about this weekend possible leading to the Christian Rapture of the church. These writings are not meant to ‘SCARE’ people in to a false religious experience. So far we’re still here in the Grace Dispensation Period and haven’t seen the Rapture happen yet. I stated before that since we haven’t had a Global Revival yet then we probably will still be here until that Revival at least begins and maybe not until after it ends. So what is the ‘church’ doing? Not sure. I will be at a church on Sunday for the Disciple concert so that is exciting! Mom being so sick and Ken being in pain from his knees needing to be replaced have kept us in a state of ‘I can’t really do anything or go anywhere!’ Those who know me will know that this is like torture for me since I love going places!

I spent time yesterday after posting the Op-Ed for Friday praying in the Spirit for God to help every single post, article, song, and book people are creating that brings anyone closer to Jesus to find EVERY SOUL it’s intended to reach for Him. This isn’t a game or trying to get press – this is meant to see ANY and EVERY person still needing Jesus Christ as Savior to read, listen, and pray for that real spiritual relationship to begin. If a Global Revival begins then we might be closer to the Rapture happening. Could Jesus still come back THIS Rosh Hashanah? Not sure. I’m simply trying to get the Christian church to WAKE UP! We don’t know how much longer we have to REACH those souls needing to know Jesus. It’s not about being religious enough; it’s about KNOWING the Season and working! We need to throw our nets wider.

I’m stuck at home now, but at least I get to share my books and music with those who deliver our orders we can’t pick up now and still post Op-Ed’s on ten different social media platforms. The Disciple concert Sunday will be the first outing Ken and I will have had in weeks or possible months. Time has been slipping by at both breakneck speed and turtle speed. You would think that would mean that I have been writing on Eirinth 3, but that is waiting for a little longer. I have a new book outline for my first Historic Paranormal Thriller that was inspired by a dream Ken had! It has a possibility of maybe being film-worthy. This is IF we’re not gone by Monday! We are supposed to keep working until that trumpet has blared out our rescue. I want people to be AWARE of the times and possible occurrence that Christians have waited for!

If you claim to be a Christian and are NOT WAITING then you need to check your spiritual thermometer! We are supposed to be FLAMING HOT and a Church that is GLORIOUS! I’m not seeing that yet. I’m seeing a bunch of people who judge others, support things that the Bible CLEARLY says NO about, and don’t seem to want to see people be saved, healed, delivered, or any other spiritual change that can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty by Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Where is your Faith? In some denomination? In some preacher? In some worldly group that wants to actually delete Christianity from everything? Come on, people! THIS IS WRONG! WE NEEED MORE OF WHAT WAS PROMISED TO THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE PROPHETIC BIBLE BOOKS!

More prayers. More praise. More tears. More shouts. More healing. More humbling. More of everything that God Almighty already said WE WOULD HAVE in the Last Days! I’m not seeing it yet. WHY? Are you too comfortable? Do you not want to leave all of what YOU have accumulated? Do you fear what the world will say? I’m not ashamed of THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ for anything in this world! If what I put in that new book offends the world in some way then I MUST be doing the RIGHT THING! If some egotistical book guru decides my book isn’t good enough because I won’t have tons of bad language and graphic violence and sex, then it will NOT be done. Having pertinent scenes for the story might not go over well with some people, but I will be the one to stand before my Savior for it, so either like or ignore it.

When I first began writing my Eirinth books I was bound and determined to write my Kouken as Messianic Jews and my Bengosha as Christian Gentiles to show in my Eirinth how it could be on Earth. It was meant to tie together both groups who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. Jesus Christ is BOTH. We need to work together just like Sid Roth said in his book for actual REVIVAL to happen, and my Eirinth series was meant to SHOW it in allegorical story way. I wanted to reach the Fantasy readers and the Japanese Anime fans too. It’s discouraging when the one group you have represented for the past forty-three years of your life is the first to seem to condemn something they didn’t try to even understand. Unfortunately, this is how a good portion of the Christian church responds to any ‘something new’.

God Almighty might be trying to use unusual things to reach certain people in various groups that regular staid religious diatribes NEVER will. Some might say that sounds a bit radical. Well, I’m all for exactly what Carman and Disciple BOTH have in their songs about that word in regards to Christians. Do you serve a namby-pamby Savior? If that’s what you claim then you’re not serving Jesus Christ! He tore up the temple merchants with His righteous anger. Pharisees might not have gotten the worst of it, but then again He said they were dead men’s bones. WE NEED LIFE! This is why we are LOSING THE YOUNGER GENERATION! I don’t want some “show”, but there MUST BE the SHOWING of the Holy Spirit working in people’s lives right in the middle of a service! I’VE SEEN IT HAPPEN!

WE NEED REVIVAL! There is NO OTHER option, and the only way we can have it is to SEEK JESUS. Do you hunger and thirst for HIS Touch? Do you remember when you ever had that and now miss it so much it feels like a part of you is in a coma? I DO! I anointed my sick Mom with oil and me today after watching Gabriel Swaggert preach and then prayed for us in the Spirit. Gabriel was pretty much laying down the line about WHY so many Christians are failing to be connected the way we NEED to be for that REVIVAL to happen. Michael W. Smith’s song “Love One Another” was the song that came to me while Gabriel was preaching. WE JUST DON’T SEEM TO BE REAL OR EVEN CARE! This is NOT the Glorious Church that Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds for! We each have our own issues we need to let go!

Jesus Christ endured so much to gain our Salvation. Are you not willing to even be a little uncomfortable with a person who desperately needs that Salvation just because he or she isn’t what you want to see at church? That IS a HUGE problem that we ALL need to STOP! We don’t get to choose WHO. We are supposed to be reaching out to ALL. NONE of us has the right to judge one single person based on our own preconceived ideas about what a Christian needs to look, act, or be unless it is directly against actual sin. Even then, it’s not up to us to police each other. We are meant to PRAY for each other and BEAR one another’s burdens. We’re supposed to be a spiritual FAMILY! While I know how crazy a family can be, I also know that God Almighty PLACES people in congregations for a purpose. But Satan does too.

New wine skins NEED to be created. Those old skins won’t work anymore. I’m not talking about diluting the real Gospel. I’m talking about finding ways that overcome the enemy’s lies that are sneaky and seem to sound okay at first to some the simply lead them down a path to destruction. My books do NOT have anything in them that isn’t with the Holy Bible when it comes to the concepts. I wrote my Eirinth using 1 Corinthians gifts as a way to WAKE UP younger people who LOVE the action movies with heroes. Churches need to show how COOL our warriors for God are from the Bible! It seems most people in churches are TOO AFRAID to display God’s Actual Power! Don’t you all know that He is going to UNLEASH it when He’s good and ready to do it? I want to make sure I’m in HIS FLOW when it finally happens here!

This is the Jewish New Year. A new beginning. A new promise. A new possibility. What is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ offering to the world? Dead men’s bones? Brittle words with no power? Incessant condemnation without the warming Love of God Almighty for humanity? WE NEED TO EXAMINE OURSELVES! Haven’t any of you really read Revelation and how each of the churches are condemned for their failures but GIVEN the way to come back from it? HE THAT HATH AN EAR LET HIM HEAR! There was a time not long ago that I LOVED going to church, listening to the sermons, praising God with others and great music, and just being with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. Several churches have been that for me, but they seem to suddenly fall apart. Why must we fall apart instead of binding together?

I don’t want any carefully crafted sermons; I want Holy Ghost filled come to Jesus pleas of Power. I don’t want any songs that have trained singers but no anointing; I want music that rocks people on their feet! I don’t want some slick preacher promising all these worldly benefits; I want a preacher who can call out sin as sin, spiritual gifts as spiritual gifts, bondage that needs broken, lives that need restored, and miracles that can shake a church like an earthquake in a second! I NEED THAT! I don’t just WANT IT… I NEED IT! We need to humble ourselves and PRAY. We need to repent of ALL the things of the world we have let into our hearts! We need to stop fighting and start loving. The Lighthouse on a hillside needs to NEVER BE TORN DOWN! We just need to add MORE LIGHTS WITH MANY MORE COLORS & SHAPES!

We shouldn’t forsake the old songs of power, but we can add some new ones too. We can’t forget the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we need to point out the complexity of His plan. We see through the glass darkly, but we can at least try to let Jesus make it a prism that shines through us. The song “Reflection” by the DMB Band that was the Dixie Melody Boys has always been one of my favorites because it tells how we are a reflection of His perfection if we simply let HIM be the Light shining Through Us. Miracles are supposed to be happening in the Last Days, so if they aren’t then something is wrong and WE NEED TO LET HIM FIX US TO FIX IT! SOULS are at stake. Do you care if someone is going to Hell for eternity? I DO! My heart hurts as my tears fall for Salvation for them. Do yours ever? TK ;__;