All posts by Tonja Condray Klein

“Saturday Mid-Holiday Rosh Hashanah”

Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©09/16/2023

I posted the first 2023 Rosh Hashanah Op-Ed last night about this weekend possible leading to the Christian Rapture of the church. These writings are not meant to ‘SCARE’ people in to a false religious experience. So far we’re still here in the Grace Dispensation Period and haven’t seen the Rapture happen yet. I stated before that since we haven’t had a Global Revival yet then we probably will still be here until that Revival at least begins and maybe not until after it ends. So what is the ‘church’ doing? Not sure. I will be at a church on Sunday for the Disciple concert so that is exciting! Mom being so sick and Ken being in pain from his knees needing to be replaced have kept us in a state of ‘I can’t really do anything or go anywhere!’ Those who know me will know that this is like torture for me since I love going places!

I spent time yesterday after posting the Op-Ed for Friday praying in the Spirit for God to help every single post, article, song, and book people are creating that brings anyone closer to Jesus to find EVERY SOUL it’s intended to reach for Him. This isn’t a game or trying to get press – this is meant to see ANY and EVERY person still needing Jesus Christ as Savior to read, listen, and pray for that real spiritual relationship to begin. If a Global Revival begins then we might be closer to the Rapture happening. Could Jesus still come back THIS Rosh Hashanah? Not sure. I’m simply trying to get the Christian church to WAKE UP! We don’t know how much longer we have to REACH those souls needing to know Jesus. It’s not about being religious enough; it’s about KNOWING the Season and working! We need to throw our nets wider.

I’m stuck at home now, but at least I get to share my books and music with those who deliver our orders we can’t pick up now and still post Op-Ed’s on ten different social media platforms. The Disciple concert Sunday will be the first outing Ken and I will have had in weeks or possible months. Time has been slipping by at both breakneck speed and turtle speed. You would think that would mean that I have been writing on Eirinth 3, but that is waiting for a little longer. I have a new book outline for my first Historic Paranormal Thriller that was inspired by a dream Ken had! It has a possibility of maybe being film-worthy. This is IF we’re not gone by Monday! We are supposed to keep working until that trumpet has blared out our rescue. I want people to be AWARE of the times and possible occurrence that Christians have waited for!

If you claim to be a Christian and are NOT WAITING then you need to check your spiritual thermometer! We are supposed to be FLAMING HOT and a Church that is GLORIOUS! I’m not seeing that yet. I’m seeing a bunch of people who judge others, support things that the Bible CLEARLY says NO about, and don’t seem to want to see people be saved, healed, delivered, or any other spiritual change that can only happen with the help of the Holy Spirit of God Almighty by Faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. Where is your Faith? In some denomination? In some preacher? In some worldly group that wants to actually delete Christianity from everything? Come on, people! THIS IS WRONG! WE NEEED MORE OF WHAT WAS PROMISED TO THE CHURCH OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IN THE PROPHETIC BIBLE BOOKS!

More prayers. More praise. More tears. More shouts. More healing. More humbling. More of everything that God Almighty already said WE WOULD HAVE in the Last Days! I’m not seeing it yet. WHY? Are you too comfortable? Do you not want to leave all of what YOU have accumulated? Do you fear what the world will say? I’m not ashamed of THE GOSPEL of Jesus Christ for anything in this world! If what I put in that new book offends the world in some way then I MUST be doing the RIGHT THING! If some egotistical book guru decides my book isn’t good enough because I won’t have tons of bad language and graphic violence and sex, then it will NOT be done. Having pertinent scenes for the story might not go over well with some people, but I will be the one to stand before my Savior for it, so either like or ignore it.

When I first began writing my Eirinth books I was bound and determined to write my Kouken as Messianic Jews and my Bengosha as Christian Gentiles to show in my Eirinth how it could be on Earth. It was meant to tie together both groups who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah. Jesus Christ is BOTH. We need to work together just like Sid Roth said in his book for actual REVIVAL to happen, and my Eirinth series was meant to SHOW it in allegorical story way. I wanted to reach the Fantasy readers and the Japanese Anime fans too. It’s discouraging when the one group you have represented for the past forty-three years of your life is the first to seem to condemn something they didn’t try to even understand. Unfortunately, this is how a good portion of the Christian church responds to any ‘something new’.

God Almighty might be trying to use unusual things to reach certain people in various groups that regular staid religious diatribes NEVER will. Some might say that sounds a bit radical. Well, I’m all for exactly what Carman and Disciple BOTH have in their songs about that word in regards to Christians. Do you serve a namby-pamby Savior? If that’s what you claim then you’re not serving Jesus Christ! He tore up the temple merchants with His righteous anger. Pharisees might not have gotten the worst of it, but then again He said they were dead men’s bones. WE NEED LIFE! This is why we are LOSING THE YOUNGER GENERATION! I don’t want some “show”, but there MUST BE the SHOWING of the Holy Spirit working in people’s lives right in the middle of a service! I’VE SEEN IT HAPPEN!

WE NEED REVIVAL! There is NO OTHER option, and the only way we can have it is to SEEK JESUS. Do you hunger and thirst for HIS Touch? Do you remember when you ever had that and now miss it so much it feels like a part of you is in a coma? I DO! I anointed my sick Mom with oil and me today after watching Gabriel Swaggert preach and then prayed for us in the Spirit. Gabriel was pretty much laying down the line about WHY so many Christians are failing to be connected the way we NEED to be for that REVIVAL to happen. Michael W. Smith’s song “Love One Another” was the song that came to me while Gabriel was preaching. WE JUST DON’T SEEM TO BE REAL OR EVEN CARE! This is NOT the Glorious Church that Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds for! We each have our own issues we need to let go!

Jesus Christ endured so much to gain our Salvation. Are you not willing to even be a little uncomfortable with a person who desperately needs that Salvation just because he or she isn’t what you want to see at church? That IS a HUGE problem that we ALL need to STOP! We don’t get to choose WHO. We are supposed to be reaching out to ALL. NONE of us has the right to judge one single person based on our own preconceived ideas about what a Christian needs to look, act, or be unless it is directly against actual sin. Even then, it’s not up to us to police each other. We are meant to PRAY for each other and BEAR one another’s burdens. We’re supposed to be a spiritual FAMILY! While I know how crazy a family can be, I also know that God Almighty PLACES people in congregations for a purpose. But Satan does too.

New wine skins NEED to be created. Those old skins won’t work anymore. I’m not talking about diluting the real Gospel. I’m talking about finding ways that overcome the enemy’s lies that are sneaky and seem to sound okay at first to some the simply lead them down a path to destruction. My books do NOT have anything in them that isn’t with the Holy Bible when it comes to the concepts. I wrote my Eirinth using 1 Corinthians gifts as a way to WAKE UP younger people who LOVE the action movies with heroes. Churches need to show how COOL our warriors for God are from the Bible! It seems most people in churches are TOO AFRAID to display God’s Actual Power! Don’t you all know that He is going to UNLEASH it when He’s good and ready to do it? I want to make sure I’m in HIS FLOW when it finally happens here!

This is the Jewish New Year. A new beginning. A new promise. A new possibility. What is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ offering to the world? Dead men’s bones? Brittle words with no power? Incessant condemnation without the warming Love of God Almighty for humanity? WE NEED TO EXAMINE OURSELVES! Haven’t any of you really read Revelation and how each of the churches are condemned for their failures but GIVEN the way to come back from it? HE THAT HATH AN EAR LET HIM HEAR! There was a time not long ago that I LOVED going to church, listening to the sermons, praising God with others and great music, and just being with like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ. Several churches have been that for me, but they seem to suddenly fall apart. Why must we fall apart instead of binding together?

I don’t want any carefully crafted sermons; I want Holy Ghost filled come to Jesus pleas of Power. I don’t want any songs that have trained singers but no anointing; I want music that rocks people on their feet! I don’t want some slick preacher promising all these worldly benefits; I want a preacher who can call out sin as sin, spiritual gifts as spiritual gifts, bondage that needs broken, lives that need restored, and miracles that can shake a church like an earthquake in a second! I NEED THAT! I don’t just WANT IT… I NEED IT! We need to humble ourselves and PRAY. We need to repent of ALL the things of the world we have let into our hearts! We need to stop fighting and start loving. The Lighthouse on a hillside needs to NEVER BE TORN DOWN! We just need to add MORE LIGHTS WITH MANY MORE COLORS & SHAPES!

We shouldn’t forsake the old songs of power, but we can add some new ones too. We can’t forget the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we need to point out the complexity of His plan. We see through the glass darkly, but we can at least try to let Jesus make it a prism that shines through us. The song “Reflection” by the DMB Band that was the Dixie Melody Boys has always been one of my favorites because it tells how we are a reflection of His perfection if we simply let HIM be the Light shining Through Us. Miracles are supposed to be happening in the Last Days, so if they aren’t then something is wrong and WE NEED TO LET HIM FIX US TO FIX IT! SOULS are at stake. Do you care if someone is going to Hell for eternity? I DO! My heart hurts as my tears fall for Salvation for them. Do yours ever? TK ;__;

“What If We Leave This Weekend?” – Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©09/15/2023

While some people would want to know exactly WHEN their lives were getting ready to change forever, there are some who would not want to ever know. This human truth might be WHY God Almighty left the ACTUAL day or hour of the return of Jesus Christ as a mystery. Do we love our Creator with all of our heart or ONLY when it might show us in our best light? Do we want to be mindful of the final HOURS of our existence in this three-dimensional realm or would we rather ignore it to do what we think would be the last THINGS we’d get to do as JUST us before meeting our end? Is it too hard to say goodbye to some people if that TIME was imminent? Or would be drive ourselves crazy with the ‘I just WISH lists’ that could have been done if we’d only known our moments were this limited? Isn’t it something we all fear?

Yep, this is a kinda heavy concept to deal with on a Friday night! Most people are taking a sigh of relief for the end of a work week. Some have plans that do NOT include any kind of ‘religious’ self-examination since they have to be at the club, party, friend’s place, or event that SEEMS to be the ONLY thing important at this moment. Bringing up the possibility of life-altering and changing events is NOT something a majority of people want to consider on Friday! Come on, people, we need the WEEKEND to de-compress from the grueling week of work, problems, and life in general! To make someone have to THINK about Eternal-Soul-Salvation on a Friday is a LITTLE heavy handed! Why not wait until at least Sunday? That’s when most people do the RELIGIOUS thing, right? BUT what if Sunday will be too late?

Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset tonight. I’m not Jewish by Faith, but I have a part of my ancestry that was, and I try to honor each part of me at every moment it is necessary or meaningful. Right now, this part begins today. Did I do all the things on my lists of HAVE-TO’S, NEED-TO’S or WANT-TO’s yet today? NOT EVEN CLOSE! I was in bed ALL DAY! I feel horrible. I haven’t eaten a bite yet. I haven’t talked to my Husband or Mom since I woke up yet. I have a list of lists that I haven’t checked off a single item on yet, and that bothers me more than anything right now. So what will I make a priority to DO at this point? Well, I have a grocery order I have to meet the driver to get help get inside between four and five, and then I have to WATCH whatever programs I usually watch. THIS was NOT on ANY of my LISTS!

I woke up and began thinking about sunset. This writing is what came of that thinking, and I considered what I’d want my possibly LAST writing in the Grace Dispensation Period to contain. It MUST have spiritual meaning. It MUST have a little snarky humor since that’s an important part of me. It MUST have enough realistic interactive prose. It MUST have that inspiration that grabs the heart. IT MUST say the things I always wanted to say to a wide range of people so the impact will be substantial. It MUST… well, it just MUST. What if I CAN’T, though? What if I need to get my contacts in before I get dressed, grab a protein shake, and get ready for the food to get here? What if my mind is so consumed with all the MUSTS that I forget about the NEED and WANT parts? What if I’m not ready to say goodbye to my life as it is now?

THAT is the point! I know Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior, Lord, King, God Almighty as well as Messiah, so I don’t really FEAR the trumpet sound announcing Jesus Christ in the sky for me… I FEAR IT FOR YOU. I know many who have put off truly accepting Jesus Christ as Savior for various reasons, and IF that trumpet sounds then you won’t be going with me. I’m not perfect or live a Christian life as well as I wish, BUT I do know my Savior even when I make Him begin praying over me for me being stupid about something unimportant. It’s a DAILY and even MINUTE situation! I’ll still fly along with ALL of those who know HIM, and then seven years of the Judgement Seat of Christ rewards and real celebrations in Heaven begins for US. My heart hurts for what will begin FOR YOU, though. My heart hurts right now.

It’s getting on into the afternoon. I haven’t gotten any of the food for the holiday yet. I’ll try to do that tomorrow IF I’m still here. If not, it won’t matter. THIS writing right now MATTERS. Jesus Christ was an aspect of God Almighty in the Beginning and was slain BEFORE the foundations of the Earth were laid. In other words, Jesus was already dead and rose again before it even happened. Were we already Saved on His mind before we were even born? That is another heavy concept, huhn? I don’t believe that some people were born to be Saved and some born to be Lost to Hell. I think EVERY SOUL has been given moments to make that choice at various times. MAYBE yours is this one! What if it is? I truly hope if you are reading this NOW that you will make that choice in case Christians are called away this weekend!

There is no secret passcode or specific ceremony for someone to be Saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on Calvary. There is ONLY a simple prayer if you truly want to be Saved: “Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is the Only Son of God, that He died on the Cross for my sins, and that all I have to do is confess that I have sinned and NEED Him as my Personal Savior. I accept Him now to let You change my life from the inside out, and fill my heart with your Holy Spirit link that humanity lost to sin. I will try to let You reclaim me as Yours as I begin to read Your Word to let my life become Yours. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!” is a great online Bible that you can choose which version to read and I suggest King James or NLT!

If we DON’T leave this weekend, now you can begin your new life in Christ anyway! I’ve known Him since I was 8 years old, and now at 51 years I have NEVER regretted that choice. I’ve regretted a lot of the other choices in my life but NEVER the one letting Jesus Christ have my heart for His Holy Spirit to move in, through me, and out to others. Even through the hard times, when life gets too much to bear with the problems, and I pray for Jesus TO COME RIGHT NOW! I STILL am thankful for His LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, POWER, PURPOSE, and TOUCH that He places on me EVERY moment of my life… even when I’m being that stupid that He has to pray OVER ME. Let Him begin to have the place in your heart to pray over you too! What if we leave this weekend? GET READY AND BE WAITING! TK

“Rosh Hashanah 2023 – Revival or Rapture” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/13/2023

Rosh Hashanah 2023 begins at sunset on Friday 09/15 and lasts until sunset on Sunday 09/17. Although this is a Jewish holiday, some Christians have proposed this might be when the Rapture of believers in Jesus Christ as Savior and Messiah (both Gentile and Jew) could happen then since it has been taught this holiday has the Jewish colloquialism that means “No man knows the day or the hour”, and Jesus said it in Matthew 24:36 when speaking of when He would return in the clouds to take all of His believers to supernatural safety from Earth. God Almighty will then send judgment in the Great Tribulation Period that will last for seven years as explained in the Old Testament books of Daniel and Ezekiel and New Testament book of Revelation. The one major thing that needs to happen before two final Prophecies is REVIVAL.

We recently dealt with the pandemic level loss of life from Covid-19. Weather-related disasters around the world have impacted various countries. A major war has affected all of us in many ways from opposite sides. All of those losses together DON’T compare to numbers lost in Revelation. IT HASN’T STARTED YET. We haven’t had actual worldwide Revival either. There were revivals through the pandemic and even this year, but I don’t think many see this as the ‘Great Awakening’ many Christians have expected in the Last Days noted. I could be wrong that recent Salvations through Faith in Jesus Christ haven’t fulfilled the final Harvest of souls, but it still doesn’t seem enough for the Christian church to earn that “Glorious” status the Bible claims the church will be BEFORE the Rapture happens. There is still something missing!

I read Sid Roth’s THE INCOMPLETE CHURCH recently and agree with his assessment of a possibly WHY the last Revival seems to be stalled. He is a Jewish believer in Christ as the Messiah, and his step-by-step explanations of how and when Christian churches seemed to have revival outbreaks in history is with when the Jewish community had spiritual revivals first. I hadn’t known of this or about how even some of those seen as fathers of Christianity through history also had various anti-Semitic teachings. THE FIRST CHRISTIANS WERE JEWS, PEOPLE! How could any actual Christian ever be against the Jewish people when we serve the SAME God of Creation? Yes, some haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as Messiah or Savior yet, but Israel didn’t take the life of Jesus Christ… JESUS CHRIST GAVE HIS LIFE FOR US ALL!

Even more ‘spiritual gifts’ denominations of Christian churches are NOT seeing Revival yet! Maybe THIS is the reason why. Hatred for race, color, creed, background, or any other characteristic seen as different should NEVER keep a person from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior! WE ALL HAVE SINNED! We are not to continue to tolerate sin, but we are not supposed to judge each other the way some seem as a way to place a bar of achievement to make them feel even more superior. Some live their lives closer to God Almighty, but there isn’t a single person who can claim to be perfect or to be without sin since the Christian Holy Bible made it clear that NO ONE can stand without JESUS CHRIST covering them with His shed blood on Calvary. WE ALL FAIL… so Judge not lest you be judged. LOVE ONE ANOTHER IN HIM!

I’m not saying we should tolerate ongoing sin, but sometimes what people say is a sin to one is NOT also a sin to another as taught by Paul the Apostle. We have to work out our own soul Salvation with fear and trembling… because IF we’re wrong then we aren’t right. It’s that simple. I have a horrible temper and have to ask God to forgive me every single day at a rate of at least once every hour – sometimes less but sometimes more. As I’ve been working on a different Op-Ed it’s been a WHOLE LOT MORE. I’m not happy with myself over that. I had a rough day yesterday. I was crying, yelling, and praying for most of the day in between trying to get normal day stuff done. It’s frustrating, and when I realized I was not getting the other Op-Ed done I began this one since Rosh Hashanah is closer by another day and it’s really important!

I have written about Rosh Hashanah for the past two years for this holiday, and Jesus Christ still hasn’t come back to get us yet, BUT… and that word means A LOT at this point… Revival hasn’t happened yet. What IF Revival begins on this Rosh Hashanah? What IF we have one more year? I know we’re not supposed to put a date on it, but WHAT IF Rosh Hashanah IS the HOLIDAY? I don’t know, but with all the craziness going on right now I really think believers in Jesus Christ need to LOOK UP, PRAY, and REACH OUT TO ALL WHO NEED JESUS! It’s not about those you want… it’s about those HE wants! We each have a ‘Harvest Field’ to be working in right NOW! WHAT field is yours? Do you even know? YOU SHOULD. If you don’t yet then pray, ask trusted believers, and then WORK YOUR FIELD! Souls wait…

Ken and I will be at the Disciple concert on Sunday 09/17 before Rosh Hashanah ends. If Jesus Christ does return Friday or Saturday then we won’t be there or anywhere on Earth. Disciple and most of those going to see them won’t be either. If we are, then maybe the Revival I’m praying for will begin there or at least soon after! I don’t know, but for now I’m trying to encourage HIS believers to REALLY examine your life, seek those that your heart leads you to witness to, and be mindful of how you share this Gospel since you might be the ONLY believer that can reach that ONE PERSON. That is a major deal. EVERY SOUL MATTERS! Why do you think I write all of these Op-eds and put them up wherever I can? I KNOW JESUS CHRIST AS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR… AND YOU ALL CAN TOO BY ASKING HIM!

If I’m still here on Monday 09/18 then I’ll simply keep writing, keep singing, keep posting, keep praying, keep sharing, and keep trying until we’re out of here. No matter how long it takes, I still believe Jesus Christ is the ONLY SON of God Almighty the Creator. I’m not ignorant, idealistic, conditioned, or insane… I’m simply SAVED by Grace through Faith in the shed blood of Christ and not in myself so I can’t boast. Am I passionate? YEP! Am I even more convinced of this? YOU BECHA! Am I prone to wanting to go away from here sooner? AT LEAST ONCE A DAY! My own physical condition of Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis disease is in Remission, but I stay tired all of the time, so I’m limited more than I was. I want more people to be saved by Jesus Christ, but weekend Rapture might be okay with us already…


I was the only Finalist in my genre, so only three other books made it above mine. I was sent link to Certificate as Finalist for my Fantasy novel TREADING THE PATH in the Global Book Awards 2023. It and book 1 are both available online at Amazon in E-book & paperback and at Dayton Public Library downtown location in paperback too. You can read FREE Samples for both books at my website! ~TK~

May be an image of text that says 'AWARD CERTIFICATE Congratulations for winning Finalist in Glabal Book Awards 2023 FINALIST GLOBAL BOOK BOOKAWARDS AWARDS'


NEW Cinematic Trailer for BREAKING THE SHACKLES 05/31/2023

“Rebirth of Eirinth” Fantasy Novel Series Book 1 by Tonja Condray Klein is now up on my YouTube Channel. Book available online at Amazon in E-Book and Paperback. Paperback at New & Olde Pages Bookshoppe in Englewood and Dayton Public Library Downtown or by request. Song Melodies, Dramatic Narration, and Video Creation by Tonja Condray Klein. Music by Ronald G. Short (Rest in Peace, Music Bro!). Art by Sara H. Sweitzer (Rest in Peace, Art Sis). All owned by Tonja Condray Klein(c)2009-Present. Please watch and leave decent comments (no bad language since kid-friendly) Enjoy!😁

“Book ‘1984’ is Alive and Well in 2023!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/20/2023

I hadn’t read the book ‘1984’ by George Orwell for some reason, but after finishing book FARENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury I decided to read the other. Book ‘451’ bothered me with what happened in it, but it was trying to get the readers to see they had to keep it from happening in reality. Book ‘1984’ ALARMED me. I’m seeing things being done NOW that reminds me what had been done even before my time. Some things had been removed from daily interactions that I hadn’t realized until the pandemic happened. Reality has startled me to the point that I’m praying for the Rapture (removing) of Christian believers to happen MUCH SOONER. Some governments have done what’s in book ‘1984’ – rewriting ALL former history every time it went against leader’s ideals. It might have or be happening in America too.

Does anyone else understand that if real history keeps being rewritten until the oldest that lived through that time are gone then that would give leaders the ability to have people live a perpetual today from now on? By them not knowing what real past was before it was altered, it would also mean that the present would be a continual past without real futures. I shook my head as I read about the main character going over the events in his ‘Oceania’ that included America in novel, and it gripped my heart with the growing understanding that the real America is about one step away from that happening! News only lasts per cycle, and sometimes one side is told over and over again without a counter side to denounce it. When did we get to this point of one-party rule? The McCarthy era is the closest I remember noted, but we might be close again.

Book ‘1984’ was written in 1949, way before I was born in 1972, but the 1984 in my lifetime didn’t seem to be anything like the book spoke about since I lived through the Reagan era that seemed prosperous to me then and even still. I didn’t know I was actually poor. Both of my parents were old and on social security, so getting reduced or free lunches simply meant to me that we were not ‘well-to-do’. My father always worked until he retired and my mother worked then was a housewife who also babysat other local kids. I actually thought we were ‘middle class’, but we were NOT! I never lacked food, clothing, or toys, but we didn’t have cable or a car. Neither parent had a driver’s license, but I didn’t think it was odd. My older out of state sister and older local brother had cars and helped, but we usually travelled by bus or cab.

Book ‘1984’ made me realize what is happening in America by those trying to make the poorest and middle class no longer be able to afford basic transportation since it would place them under direct control of government like the one in the book did! Trying to outlaw affordable cars, cooking conveniences, and other every day items that make life normal to those they consider UNDER them politically or socially is a slap in the face to regular Americans. Those ‘rulers’ might not see me as being ‘as good as’ them, but I know I AM as good or better than most of them since I KNOW many things these ‘rulers’ are trying to STEAL from the HISTORY of our COUNTRY and the WORLD! Changing meanings of real words and deleting some completely like in the book made me livid since THAT has already started in America now!

When a politician uses ‘totalitarianism’ as a definition for those who support the United States of America and its Constitutional Democratic Republic with the rights afforded to ALL citizens then that politician is using the SAME tactic that the three leaders in book ‘1984’ did to keep the poor as manageable as possible and by not letting them succeed to go beyond the status the higher group decided by continuing an ongoing war to keep those a little bit higher in their hierarchy to accept the revised history of the ‘leaders’ to make them remain in the present by revising the past to not show how bad things HAD changed then got worse under them – to STOP people from seeing REALITY. Those who were in the middle class in America before are now the lower middle class and forced lower. ‘Management’ is now some ‘leaders’ plan.

So America citizens now actually WANT to become like book ‘1984’ in 2023? Yes, that book IS fiction, but it is based on actual known governments and ALSO meant as a CAUTIONARY WARNING to those who want to keep their own freedoms and those of others. America used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave where we cared about each other as citizens. The way many politicians seem now in 2023is making me see shades of book ‘1984’ more every day! No, some things that happened in the book haven’t yet, BUT it seems like some ‘leaders’ are taking THEIR power almost to the point those in book ‘1984’ did. THAT IS FRIGHTENING. Yes, I want a strong leader, but NOT a collective solipsist! We all NEED TO UNDERSTAND what those in power don’t want us to even notice right now.

One of the main things about the ‘leaders’ in book ‘1984’ was that they wanted people to NOT be educated. The ‘Proles’ or lower class people couldn’t be given that choice since if people could read and remember their real history of countries, then they might want more than the flimsy existence given by those in power that don’t want anyone to rise up above a born station in life. WAKE UP PEOPLE! America is NOT supposed to be ruled by a caste system! We are to be FREE with the given rights to LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS! Reading is PURE FREEDOM! Learning Mathematics, Science, and Proven History is FREEDOM! The ONLY books NOT to be allowed should be for children that have ADULT situations those innocents should not know yet! Other than that… READ, READ, READ!!!

The new digital system they are trying to institute for America is just ANOTHER way to TRACK you and STOP your FREEDOM to spend YOUR MONEY for what YOU deem as being YOURS. In book ‘1984’, the ‘leaders’ of those three governments only allowed some things for certain people who were then forced to get stuff off of a black market. A THOUGHT CRIME was an issue that could lead to a person being ‘vaporized’ (killed) if someone was suspected of NOT thinking like everyone else. I don’t want ANYONE thinking they could control MY THOUGHTS. They would soon find I’d NEVER be a pawn for lies or history-changing. I know OUR country’s History and FACTS no matter what could be said is the exact opposite of an ACTUAL MEANING. You can outlaw a majority of words, but MANY would KNOW!

Some in power want to decrease your intelligence to control you. DON’T LET THEM! READ as much as you can on books explaining the evils of Totalitarian rule. IT IS NOT what America has or wants now. Every belief system needs to have FREEDOM for followers to worship their gods whether Buddhist, Muslim, Chi, Gandhi, Hare Krishna, Wiccan, Jew, or Christian as protected by the United States of America Constitution. I’m a Christian and speak of my Faith without discounting someone else’s rights. We can agree to disagree and not try to kill each other. Even though I believe Jesus Christ is the only Way to Heaven and Salvation, I will share with respect and pray for anyone. THAT is inclusivity in America! People of various beliefs found this place of worship freedom. It needs to REMAIN that way!

This Opinion Editorial is meant to WARN you as an American citizen. Things and Freedoms are being taken from us almost daily, and those in power are trying to take away things that make our lives be bearable and enjoyable without a real reason for their tampering… it is actual TYRANNY! As I’ve written what seems ten million times, my FATHER fought and BLED for THIS COUNTRY in WORLD WAR II, and his brother, MY UNCLE DIED for this country too. Taking away MY FREEDOM is NOT an option. Many of the American Churches are being seen as real terrorist threats! THAT IS INSANE! AMERICANS have a RIGHT to their RELIGION that NO OFFICIAL can stop regular practices of as long as they are not physically hurting or personally maligning an actual individual person!

The story in the book ‘1984’ is something NO ONE should want to happen to the greatest bastion of Democracy in the world that the United States of America has been ever since the founding. Did we make mistakes for years that we aren’t proud of and have tried to rectify? YES! Do we try to learn from that and do better going forward? Many of us are trying, but there are always those that do bad things to keep power at the ruination of others. We have to FIGHT that by voting faithfully, protesting legally, and helping each community to be as good as they can become no matter their color, race, ethnicity, background, religion, or political party. WE THE PEOPLE are NOT as divided as some keep telling you. China might be preparing for WAR against Taiwan and Russia is still against Ukraine. WAR was used like this in book.

You don’t have to have a Political Science degree to see what is going on if you read enough, watch all you can, and listen to the undercurrent words being used that are not meaning what they always have meant before. They are just changing the meaning of words, terms, and even historical records! This is what was done in book ‘1984’ to solely keep people under the ‘rulers’ from knowing REALITY! Some ‘leaders’ are trying to do that now in America. It might seem like some ‘groups’ are doing things for ‘freedom’s’ sake, but they actually are re-classifying things that many know are NOT what is REAL or the consequences of WHAT they are doing. I don’t want to lose what I have already to allow the endless wars that some keep escalating, but then again whether China or Russia, NUCLEAR WAR is NOT an Option!

Could a bomb landing on the USA be what explains why millions to billions of people disappear all of a sudden? It could maybe be used to explain the actual Christian Rapture that could happen as soon as the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the last Israeli meant to return to Jerusalem first happens, and both of those could happen at any time. With the countries aligning like they are on 04/19/2023, I don’t know if we are going to be here for much longer. I don’t want anyone to suffer, but things are going to get really destructive, and I want everyone to know Jesus Christ before you miss your chance. He died FOR YOU. He knows YOU. He wants YOU to KNOW HIM. I don’t know how much time we do have, but please don’t waste time. I don’t know what we’ll have to go through before we are supernaturally rescued.

Like I mentioned before, the digital currency is NOT something we want, but it is another step towards what the anti-Christ leader will use to enslave everyone because he will claim to be ‘god’ and the one of humanity’s origins. THIS IS A LIE, SO DO NOT TAKE THE CURRENCY THAT PROCLAIMS YOU ACCEPT HIM. I can only hope Christians and Messianic-Jews are removed before the jailing, flogging, torture, and executions begin in all but one or two countries. America might not even be here by then IF a bomb is lobbed on us, but if America is and believers in Christ are gone, then Israel will have no support against what is going to happen against them according to Isaiah and other prophetic writings. Americans must try to halt the descent into Marxism then Totalitarianism. Democracy will die if we let it.

If you understand what’s going on and want to possibly escape some of this mess before things go down a path to destructive judgements on humanity, then read Romans 8, Psalm 51, and Isaiah 53. Once believing then pray, “Heavenly Father of Creation, I come to You in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe He is Your Only Son Who came in human flesh to give His life in my place for my sins that is in my blood at birth then rose again from the dead for my soul restoration then returned to Heaven to pray over me until He returns to take me to safety before judgment falls on Earth. Forgive me, help me to be what You saw I could become, and give me strength to serve You. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!” If you prayed this and meant it in your heart then YOU ARE NOW SAVE BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH! Welcome…

If you don’t have a Cristian Holy Bible, you can go to and read Isaiah, Jeremiah, Acts, I Corinthians, Ephesians, and Revelation to begin. I suggest the King James Version, but a new NIV is really good too with translations that stay true. You can also check out my Faith website if you read this somewhere else where I post to read other things I’ve written at: May Jesus Christ bless you, keep you safe, and help you to reach as many as you can in the time we have left in these last days before the Grace Dispensation or Church Age comes to a close as was prophesied thousands of years ago. Christians should reach out with Love, Understanding, Truth, and Compassion to each person He places in your path to be His Ambassador. Blessings Wished! ~TK~

“Day BEFORE the Resurrection…”

By Tonja Condray Klein©04-09-2023

Imagine how Peter, James, John, and the rest of the disciples of Jesus Christ felt the day AFTER the Crucifixion. After the masses left, Peter denying the Lord three times, and then all of them hiding for their lives thinking the Roman soldiers would come for them too, did they wonder IF Jesus Christ would rise again? Did they look at each other for any comfort or at least a lessening of their grief? Did they discuss what Jesus had told them, what He had promised, and all miracles He had done? Could He actually be raised from the dead and give them eternal life if they waited for Him like He’d said? What if their Faith had been for the wrong reasons and they would pay the ultimate price for their mistake? Would the Temple accept them back or would they be lost and go to Hell for heresy by simply following Jesus Christ?

“Arise My Love” by NewSong is a powerful message done in 1987 but still infused with anointing, and I listened to it on 04/08/2023, cried over what I thought the disciples could have been feeling on that day, and then reminded myself how blessed I am now since I already KNOW that Jesus Christ rose again! They didn’t yet, so it had to be one of the most heartbreaking, soul-tearing, and even physically overpowering time. How must it have felt all night as they waited for any sign, any sound, or any kind of change that alerted them that the stone was rolled away? I would think they would pray or share at least the lyrics of songs quietly, but what if they were so terrified that every sound made them jump, every minute seemed like an hour, and every shared look was filled with loss of not just everyday life but the future that could be?

Peter had denied Jesus, even cursing at the guards to make a point, so how despondent did he feel through that night and early morning? Since I fail every day in some way, I understand that frustration, the agony of not being right with actions I can’t explain or wish away. Peter had made the declaration of WHO Jesus Christ was, and yet he denied Jesus THREE times! Then again, how many times have I denied Jesus with my own words spoken in anger when not realizing how it could make someone else feel around me? How did the other disciples feel when Peter denied Jesus? Would they have judged Peter or have understood since they were all linked to the same man turned over to be killed because of what had been considered blasphemy of the religion they might have all once followed themselves?

How had Mary, the mother of Jesus felt? She had known what the angel of God had told her, and she’d believed all that had been shown to her as the path her Son would have to take, but how would the once-virgin Mary deal with the same crowd Jesus had taught, healed, fed, laughed with, and even made wine for at the wedding suddenly turning on Him so easily to demand His death? How does a person forgive something that was blatant betrayal? How could she even look at anyone when she went to get water at a well? I know how hurt I have been over things I felt were betrayal too, and I’ve tried to forgive those responsible, but none of what I’ve faced has been on this level. Church hypocrisy hurts, but it never actually kills in this present day. Back then, it could have. Even with the others looking after her, Mary had to be afraid.

As Christians, we can rejoice because WE KNOW JESUS CHRIST LIVES! He restored our link to the Heavenly Father through His blood shed for us and is praying over us from Heaven until He returns for all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. We have songs to remind us of WHY and HOW, but those waiting together for the morning AFTER the Crucifixion were trying to believe and keep from being arrested. We have some around the world in places they hide now since not all countries allow Christianity and even believing could get them killed like the ones waiting so long ago. Jesus Christ rose again, came through a wall (quantum tunneling is my scientific explanation), showed His scars, forgave Peter, and brought Hope before He left for Heaven while leaving the mandate to RECEIVE the Holy Spirit and SHARE Jesus!

I don’t know what any of you are going through today, Resurrection morning 04/09/2023, but I do KNOW that whatever it is, Jesus Christ can help you handle it if you give Him your heart in return of His Salvation. Human hearts can be wicked, so this sinful member traded for restoration isn’t really a great deal for Him, but it will be the best one you can EVER make. You are reading this because you need HIM. HE gave this to me this morning of rejoicing, and I want to do everything I can to SHARE the JOY HE has given to me for my almost fifty-one years. Jesus loves you no matter what all you’ve done. Look at what Peter did. Look at what Paul did later. Our sins for His RESTORATION of the Soul as we let His Spirit give us what we need to at least TRY to let JESUS CHRIST lead us to the path we were ALWAYS to have.

The path can be hard to TREAD just like my second novel tried to show through fictional characters, but in reality it can be even harder. We have spiritual gifts if we allow them, but we don’t get elemental or energy gifts like most of my Eirinth characters do. I have been used with the spiritual gifts, though, and I’m telling you right now that feeling with any connection to them is beyond anything you can ever feel from anything else in this world. There are many reasons why I can sing the song, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know Who holds the future. And life is worth the living JUST because He lives!” It was true when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior in 1980 and still is now in 2023. I might do stupid things, but He KNOWS me, and still can SAVE ANYONE!

“Is America Funding Gog in Magog in 2023?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©04/07/2023

I just finished the historical book AFTER THE FLOOD by Bill Cooper since I’m very interested in history, both Biblical and secular, and have been astounded by the other historical books I’ve been reading for the past couple years as led by my ancestral research. As I have stated before, I had planned on becoming a history teacher at one point in my life, so this subject has always been something I can NEVER get enough of reading. As a Christian I find it frustrating to see how present-day archaeologists and scientific researchers seem to dismiss any theory against accepted ones from decades or even centuries ago in those fields. I’m also reading AMERICA BEFORE by Graham Hancock so you might assume that I agree with both writers’ insights into what is being missed by those refusing proven reality. You would be right.

Around three a.m. on 04/01/2023, I looked up where descendants of Japheth came to reside, and even though I knew some were in England, Ireland, Scotland, and even Spain, I never thought they also would be in the countries now considered to be the Carpathian Basin through his son Magog that includes Hungary, Transylvania, and even Ukraine. It had always been taught in churches that ‘Magog’ from the Christian book of Revelations was Russia, but with this new insight into Carpathian history from the book MESOPOTAMIAN HISTORY: SUMERIANS, HITTITES, AKKADIAN EMPIRE, ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, BABYLON by Hourly History, I’m amending my previous assessment. Magog might not be a ‘leader’ at in this technological world but perhaps a ‘system’ or ‘entity’ that could even supersede humanity.

Russia is battling Ukraine, Iran is friendly with Saudi Arabia again, and China is looking to take over Taiwan, so I can’t help but wonder who is America actually funding right now? The last time we waged a world war the United States had defined allies and enemies. With the allegiances forming in 2023 I don’t know which side our government is now on. Is it possible that Russia and Ukraine will come to an agreement? All peace-loving people probably wish for that, BUT is anyone asking what would happen to all of the weapons and technology sent to Ukraine? Is it possible that Russia could use that to be part of that agreement? Once again, has ANYONE asked ANY of these questions, and have ANY of those responsible for those answers given them to ANYONE yet? This situation needs to be considered by ALL Americans.

IF (and that might not be an unrealistic if at this point) America is sending funds that are being forwarded to one or more of the main players in Revelation prophecies, THEN how can any Christian not be concerned that we are aiding enemies of humanity that will lead to untold deaths in ours and other countries WHEN a final puzzle piece is placed and ALL Christians and Messianic-Jews are TAKEN? Some have been asking how close we are in 2023 to supernatural and physical rescue as promised by Jesus Christ. With things lining up now like they seem to be, I don’t know if we will stay until 2029 as a given possibility by the one Israeli writer. Reading historical FACTS and how the Christian and Judaic writings from centuries to millennia ago coincide with where certain places mentioned are right NOW is sobering.

Once again, this is NOT to make someone have a ‘religious experience’, buy gold or other items thought to help you survive, or even contact your congress rep to alert them. This is for those who ARE Christians and need to see these things, those seeing what makes you question your own choices right now, and those who want to know what to look for and when before too late for you and those you care about helping. This insight keeps me writing this because it hit me like a two-ton heavy thing days ago. When my husband woke up during the night, I asked what he thought about all this. He then told me that he pointed me to read the Bill Cooper book since he’d wondered the same things when he read it! I hope those with the Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, or Discernment sees it now and shares it with those still blind to it.

This country is being led down a path to destruction, and there seems to be more people willing to go than I’ve EVER thought would happen in the United States of America! Which ‘church’ are you in 2023? Laodicea seems more than others, but all seem to be showing up here and there now. Read Revelation chapters 1 through 3 and be HONEST with yourself! God help me, I want to always be Philadelphia, but I’m not a liar so I won’t claim that even to make me feel better about myself. Unfortunately, I’ve been Ephesus – I lost my first love and repented to keep my candlestick in place. No matter how each of us have gotten to where we are, each church type is given a way to be restored before the believers are removed and twenty-one judgements begin to fall on all of humanity. I want as many as can to escape it!

I was given abilities by my Savior, Lord, King, and Lord God Almighty Jesus Christ to share with others all of the FACTS as I have come to know them through listening, praying, reading, researching, and also studying various histories and lineages. We are not meant to live in pride from vain ancestries according to the Holy Bible. What I have found is that KNOWING where we come from and what our legacy can become is empowering when we place it in the Father’s hands to remold it into something HE can use through us. IF those thinking we leave on Rosh Hashanah are right, then last soul will be saved in this dispensation and last Israeli to return to Israel will soon. IF that, we could leave in about six months. If not, it still could happen at ANY time once the last two things happen. The last full revival could happen at any time!

If EVER the body of Christ should get real about the need for souls to be saved, lives to be changed, people to be healed, and gifts to be used to energize everyone IT IS NOW! Could we still be here in 2029? Maybe. Past that? Perhaps. With the possibility of nuclear war if things keep going the way they are, I really don’t want to be here, and I don’t want anyone else who is meant to know Jesus Christ as Personal Savior to be either. I don’t want anyone part of another world religion to not consider Jesus Christ as a better explanation of existence and spiritual fulfillment since I’ve found Him to be everything I will ever need in this life and beyond once my human time ends and eternity begins. Could I be wrong? I’m betting MY OWN LIFE that I am not. Can you? Check out AFTER THE FLOOD before you really answer that.

One of the most recent attempts to let criminals out of jails is calling attention to the fact that if that happens then our society will be at a greater risk… as in being like in the days of Noah. Sound familiar? IT SHOULD! I’m completely astounded at what some of our leaders want to unleash in this country and the world, but I guess I shouldn’t be. It seems to be just another sign of where we are in this Grace Dispensation or Church Age on Earth. I have tried to warn people to keep your eyes on the times and what is happening to show Biblical prophecies being fulfilled more and more every day. Some were fulfilled way before now, but some could not be until this present time of technology. Some who claim to be Christians seem to ignore what is going on and keep their heads in the sand. Do you think you will go if in that position?

I’m a webpage designer, so technology is NOT something I shy away from using. Am I okay with IA? Nom since I remember the movie TERMINATOR even if it was Science Fiction. How about the new proposed Central Bank Digital Coin? I certainly remember reading in the Christian Holy Bible and hearing in Sunday school and church about the ‘mark of the beast’ that will be the ONLY currency used for goods that also links a person to the anti-Christ who is son of Satan and enemy of the One True Living God of Creation who came as Jesus Christ to die in each person’s place before any of us were born. HE saw you. HE died for you. HE loves you. Even if you have done horrible things in your life, HE takes away our mistakes of sin and gives each a NEW life in HIM. It’s that simple. ASK HIM for forgiveness and HE WILL.

As for Gog in Magog, I’m still concerned we are giving too much of our resources and will be left too weak as a nation to help Israel or NATO nations when needed if things continue as they are now. I’ve never been an isolationist but I’m not an empire builder either. I’m an American by birth and a Christian by Faith. My father fought and bled in World War II, but he never approved of endless campaigns in foreign lands that seemed to have a sole purpose of making a U.S. military industrial complex richer since it always costs more than money; it costs the blood of our soldiers! IF I am right about Gog in Magog then we need to REALLY consider this as more than a cooperative initiative against our old enemy; it could be what finally destroys the country that made a Constitutional Democratic Republic the greatest on Earth.

Jesus Christ will be returning probably sooner than many believe. I have led an interesting, loved, inspired, and creative life in my going on fifty-one years in 2023. I don’t want it to end before I’ve done all that the Lord called me to do, and I’m sure I won’t since He anoints, empowers, and protects those who are His until their calling is completed and their life is meant to be transformed into a new fourth-dimensional realm of existence with Him. “For we know in part, and we prophecy in part, But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” (KJV 1 Corinthians 13:9-10) It might be more than 4 dimensional, but I trust my Savior to fulfill His promises to me as I try to fulfill mine to Him. I fail often and let people I love down in spite of my best intentions, BUT JESUS NEVER FAILS! ~TK~

“A ‘Just Rip Off The Roof’ Revival in 2023!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/07/2023

The Revivals happening in Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee at the universities in 2023 have led me to be hopeful for a wildfire Revival to sweep all over America and around the world soon. Since it’s a younger generation that is taking up this mantel of Faith, we older generations like Gen-X need to be seeing it as the Grace of God to us since we FAILED to lead to this in our time because we lost our passion in light of how some churches let its leaders hurt regular members, older church members dismiss younger ones for a simple difference of style instead of loss of message, and giving into a lie of convenience leading to using catch phrases, less absolutes, and more secular ‘entertainment’ instead of music filled with the Holy Spirit fire that changes any soul that accepts and believes to be changed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

“Just Rip Off The Roof” is my latest song that was inspired by these revivals happening! It hit me how the church has changed to the point of there no longer seeming to be many believers in Jesus Christ who would be like the friends of that man with palsy who did what my song title says to get him to Jesus for healing. How many reading this would? Does anyone know a single person they’d climb on top of a house, ply off boards, and lower a stretcher with a person to see the Only One who could help? My point is that we SHOULD be those true friends! Each believer is said to be His salt of the Earth and His disciples! When did Soul Salvation cease to be the priority to see as many souls saved as possible? Look at someone this day and ask yourself if you care if they go to Hell. What if you could help them to go Heaven instead?

I know many people don’t have the abilities, resources, or talents to do certain things, but it seems like a majority of those that claim to be Christian in 2023 don’t really care whether or not someone dies and goes to Hell. If they do then they will help as long as they won’t be inconvenienced. Inconvenienced? After being striped for our healing, spit on, and nailed to the wooden Cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ bled and died to redeem each human soul willing to accept Him as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty of Creation! What can WE do that is MORE inconvenient than that? I’m not saying there aren’t people who already do all they can for Jesus. I’m saying many won’t do ANYTHING to take them outside of their comfortable, safe, and acceptable zone for ANY soul. Who would you leave your safe zone to see saved?

Christianity isn’t just a stodgy lifeless religion. REAL Christianity is a soul-saving, Spirit-filled, life-invigorating relationship with Jesus Christ as a PERSONAL SAVIOR. Each human born has a sin-damaged soul since Adam and Eve fell from Grace in the Garden of Eden. The ONLY Salvation is by accepting that Jesus Christ did what the Law of Moses never could – He died in each soul’s place on Calvary! By Grace through Faith each soul is saved from eternal damnation. This is the reality of this world that those who don’t want to be held accountable for their sin and want to just enjoy them don’t want you to understand to let Jesus Christ SAVE your soul and CHANGE your life since that makes them aware of their own loss and then blinded by sin and Satan, (fallen angel Lucifer), who wants to claim human souls to punish God.

This has been an ongoing spiritual war since the fall of Lucifer and then the fall of humanity. ABSOLUTES ARE REAL in this existence. No matter what academia says, each person must make the choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior personally so that soul will be saved and restored to kinship as a son or daughter to God the Father and also joint-heir with Jesus Christ the Son of God the Father through Mary as human. This had to be done this way so the blood of Jesus Christ would be PURE by His Father’s blood that divinely joined the egg of Mary to become Jesus Christ born fully human and fully God to die for humanity’s sins to redeem each, rise again to restore each as prophesied, and return as King of Glory to set up His kingdom in Jerusalem after every soul to be saved has been AFTER the Great Tribulation happens here.

The ‘Rapture of the Church’ is when each and every person who accepts Jesus Christ as Savior is supernaturally taken away from Earth for safety (before the Great Tribulation if you believe Pre-Trib teachings as I do). I’m hoping and praying that these revivals happening now are part of the last Great Revival we need. Prophecies in the Judaic Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments seem to have been fulfilled more recently, so it might be down to only two left now is for the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and the last Jewish person to return to Israel before the Rapture. Both could happen at any time, and though some think it will be on Rosh Hashanah, it might happen sooner. Time is running out to reach those we can during the time we have left, and THIS IS FOR ETERNAL LIFE OR ETERNAL DEATH!

I’m a Christian Speculative Fantasy Author, but this is NOT fiction. Each soul has a choice to accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but if that person refuses it will mean eternity in Hell along with Satan (fallen Lucifer), his demons, and the lost souls who possibly will be separated from each other but definitely from God Almighty for Eternity, so no parties in Hell. Each person has a destiny once they accept Jesus Christ as Savior, but those who refuse the Gift of Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ shed for humanity will have a fate of darkness and torture. This is NOT my opinion but the sacred writings handed down throughout history. I’ve studied Ancestry, Archaeology, History, Literature, and various Sciences, but even if some in each dispute Christianity, I have seen the proof of my Faith in each topic and every discipline to this date.

Do I have a degree in any of those? No, but I do have a Certificate in Webpage Development. Do I still believe in my own research and study? Yes, since I’ve been learning for forty-two of my fifty years about it and haven’t found proof disputing my beliefs. How can I say that? God’s Holy Bible told humanity to question and study to show them approved, and I want to be found faithful and knowledgeable to support my stance in it all. I’ve studied religions concerning all their differences and similarities, but Christianity is the ONLY ONE that has God Almighty the Creator sacrifice Himself for believers that offers a restoration through FAITH alone. The Cruise Family sung, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” It is Spiritual and Supernatural beyond human capacity for understanding often.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior when I was eight years old in 1980. I have been blessed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in Other Tongues and Interpretation since I was thirteen years old in 1985. I’ve written songs, poems, and books over the years, and sung in various churches since I was eleven years old. I mess up each day, pray with every opportunity, sing whenever I can, and share my love of Jesus Christ as often as possible. I’m not any preacher, but I am a layperson who knows the teachings of the Word and tries to live by them as much as I possibly can. I fail. I forget. I sin. I repent. I cry. I laugh. I mourn. I rejoice. I’m a sinner saved by Grace, and it’s ONLY by the GRACE of Jesus Christ in His Blood that I can claim any kinship to my Creator. I’m a passionate but sometimes willful daughter.

I’m calling for any and all who know Jesus Christ as Personal Savior and anyone who will accept Him to seek His Holy Spirit to empower you to reach every soul you can while there is still time to do it. We might have a couple to a few more years, but then again we might not, and I don’t want to miss reaching anyone who I’m supposed to share this Truth of Creation and Salvation who will see the Light of Jesus Christ by the anointing of His Holy Spirit that sings through in these words everywhere they can be read. I’m pleading with you to seek Jesus and KNOW HIM. Though I have times too often when I whine as I pray and ask questions I don’t understand reasons for why they happen, I STILL BELIEVE IN HIM. I hate having to state this, but I agree with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” I will at least try…

*** Lyrics for “Just Rip off the Roof” by Tonja Condray Klein©02/17/2023

“Verse 1: When your life’s too hard to take, Your back’s against the wall, And you try to just get by, But nothing works at all. You might cry and yell and scream. Cause no one seems to care, You might seek help at a church, But God seems far from there, People say they know your pain, As they block your road, When you need to see Jesus, A new path needs to flow

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Verse 2: Desperate times can change hearts, If you just believe, Even when it seems so dark, And your future’s bleak, Jesus wants you to get through, Any board or wall, Even if your faith is weak, His Love conquers all. Being lowered from a roof, Might not seem that smart, But when Jesus is your goal, He will do His part

Chorus: With true friends and some tools, You can seek the Way, Past the chaos and the fears, To where Jesus waits, People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, Just rip off the roof!

Coda: People fail and systems fall, But you know the Truth, When you can’t get through the door, To what Salvation is for, Healing, freedom, so much more… Just rip off the roof!”

“One ‘Page’ Away From FAHRENHEIT 451 in America…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02/21/2023

I read FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury sometime between 1985 and 1990. I bought the E-book and just read it again in 2023. Although I remembered what it was basically about, I was astounded by the fact it was from, 70 years ago in 1953! The fact that it is even MORE realistic NOW than back then makes it even more alarming for me. I looked at my bookcases at home and felt fear of what it would mean for me personally if my beloved paperbacks were burned, especially since many can’t be replaced by no longer being in print or E-Book formats now. It would mean I’d never be able to read them again, and THAT IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. I’m a writer of my stories and an AVID READER of others’. If someone showed up with a flamethrower to torch my collection, I’d interfere violently.

The woman who collapsed in the house with her books that the ‘firemen’ were burning was someone I related to completely and was in tears over, but then I GOT ANGRY. I understood her dying with her books because ‘firemen’ and local government in the book were against her so she must have thought she’d rather die than live without the books she loved; unfortunately, for any who would try to burn my books, I wouldn’t burn with them unless I took the ‘firemen’ with me and only if I didn’t have any other choice. I’d probably try to do what Guy Montag did to the ‘firemen’ in some way BEFORE any of my books were burned. Even if a book is considered ‘evil’, I’m NOT for book-burning. I’ll cite Henry Jones, “…morons like yourself should try READING books instead of BURNING them!” He is COMPLETELY right!

My point is that even though we haven’t come to THAT point YET, I can see it happening sooner than I thought possible a decade ago. FAHRENHEIT reminded me that once we lose freedom to read former and present books as the written word that I was taught to embrace even in my generation X education, we face the threat turning into a nightmare should the government turn against us and we fail to protect our rights legally. TO READ MEANS YOU KNOW REAL FACTS! Yes, I write fiction, but I research reality too. I read a lot of fiction and nonfiction by writers in various genres. I might be more eclectic than some, but when one to two generations after me can’t read what I did in third grade at age 8 then this is distressing and could be the beginning of the major decline for cherished intellectual learning in America!

READING IS FREEDOM! Whether I’m reading Graham Hancock archaeological nonfiction, Christine Feehan paranormal romance fiction, the Christian Holy Bible nonfiction, or Ray Bradbury science fiction, I find facts from eras and research represented. Some people claim fiction is lies so no facts exist in them, but I’ve read historical books citing mythological stories from before the time of antiquity or the written word in cuneiform text with archaeological finds to question if worldwide ‘tales’ are that off-base with actual history. If you can’t READ the books now, then how can you understand anything like the histories of the world or the way our government is supposed to protect citizens with what OUR RIGHTS ARE? I’m not going to trust ANYONE to tell me ANY of those things. I will READ it ALL for myself!

Verbal history happened before writing began. When it comes to various places around the world, writing didn’t develop as quickly as it did with others, so verbal ‘stories’ were passed on from generation to generation until writing was learned. One of the books that tell this reality is THAT’S WHAT THE OLD ONES SAY by Chief Joseph RiverWind. Not only does it explain how Native American tribes passed on their history verbally, it also shows their relating of it through centuries to millennia verifies historical accounts, the Jewish Torah, and Christian Holy Bible. There are many reputable books that bring history into better understanding from research and artefacts found more recently than what we had only two centuries ago. How can we let children, grandchildren, family, or community NOT be able to read at all in 2023?

If you haven’t taken the time to read FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury, then I suggest you find it in a library while you still can or get paperback, E-Book, or audiobook all available on Amazon. It has several curse words so it’s not religious, and it has various books mentioned that I don’t agree with, but it has a message that Americans NEED in 2023. One kid I know in my neighborhood told me he can’t read, and it broke my heart since he’s even older than I was when I got the box set of Narnia books by C.S. Lewis for Christmas and began reading them in third grade. Covid-19 pandemic put learning on hiatus, but I’m not sure that is the reason for this loss of ability. Gen-Z can’t seem to read, write, do math, or even understand the sciences that my ninety-one year-old mother learned before she reached eighth grand long ago!

I read books by people I don’t agree with on some things but at least agree with on something, and I think that’s a way to stretch your understanding of other viewpoints that helps you to become knowledgeable about more than only the things you are comfortable with learning. I’ve read things that went against something that I knew as a fact or believed in personally as proven truth but carelessly discounted without evidence supporting another viewpoint or theory. THIS lack of being able to examine more than one viewpoint or piece of evidence on any given subject then becomes an incomplete conclusion and the beginning of ideological indoctrination used by government systems like socialism, communism, and totalitarianism. WE MUST BE ABLE TO READ BOOKS TO KNOW THE FACTS OF REALITY! If not, we lose all.

This could be WHY education is trying to NOT teach children to READ. If we don’t stand up and demand that all children are given the life-preserving education that previous generations were taught without compromise, then we will see America become more and more like the FAHRENHEIT country that made BOOKS illegal to read or own. America CANNOT allow this to happen in 2023 or any time in our future! I might not like or agree with what some books say or teach, but like FREEDOM OF SPEECH we need FREEDOM OF READING for adults! Age-appropriate restrictions are still necessary to protect kids, but that should be the ONLY censorship. Books from the past might have speech that we don’t agree with anymore, but THAT is what shows we have LEARNED from the past enough to know things changed.

A large amount of young adults and even adults right now in 2023 can’t read books that were read in elementary school only decades ago and can’t understand the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. One of the things used by despots and ruling classes in history was NOT allowing the people of their countries to be able to have education at all so they wouldn’t be able to rise above the ‘class’ the rulers deemed as acceptable… they wanted and still want servants or slaves. That infuriates me since America fought against that kind of mentality to be free to choose our own government laws. Now I’m seeing what should alarm everyone. Protect your rights to keep burning of your books from happening in America… or you might have to protect them with a flamethrower by yourself…