Tag Archives: EVACUATION

“Is The America I’ve Known Completely Gone Now?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/29/2021

Abandoning our embassy, intelligence, weapons, and citizens in Afghanistan is the greatest defeat this country has ever faced in my lifetime of almost forty-nine years. I’m sure that those still living who are even older than I am are feeling the same way I do – enraged from being deceived and betrayed by our leaders. Our people in Afghanistan are in the middle of being left due to the worst military plan in our history that could lead to another situation like 1979 with more hostages. THAT is detrimental with how many American citizens and Afghan allies will all lose their lives!

I was only seven years old in 1979, so I didn’t completely understand what was happening back then. As I grew up learning history and became an adult, I watched policy mistakes made by different presidents at various times, but this seems like an actual calculated blow to every single American who has had anyone from their family serve this county in the military in any capacity! How can Americans sit in our safe homes, watch the news reporting these atrocities, and not react with anger, frustration, heartbreak, and absolute horror? Have we ALL lost perspective of what Freedom costs?

The fact that our government is FAILING to get OUR PEOPLE out, but INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS are now working to rescue people in ways that are sometimes being BLOCKED by OUR OWN agencies! Do our agencies work for the Taliban now? While I understand diplomacy is always a slippery slope of concessions, the way I’ve understood it for all of my learned years, WE DON’T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS! Did our government officials miss day of class it was taught in a government college course? Or did the long-held policy just get lost in self-interest paperwork?

We NEED the A-Team! We NEED a team of LETHAL WEAPON Riggs’! We NEED a RED team who knows HOW to get IN, get OUR people, and get OUT with the attitude of a BLUE LOTUS! AMERICA WAS A COUNTRY OF ACTION FOR FREEDOM! Yes, the characters listed are fictional, but they were based on REALITY of what AMERICA USED to be able TO DO! I don’t want endless wars either and was for leaving Afghanistan, but THIS IS NOT how that SHOULD have been DONE! Do we need to cue the song, “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” to get people moving?

My father would have been 108 this year, and if he was still living he’d be ticked as blazes over our service men and women even possibly being left behind without military making plans that actually made sense! He fought in WWII and lost his brother in it to a sniper, but it had NEVER been fought to end in this situation with Afghanistan now. Didn’t ANY of us LEARN from HISTORY? Oh, yeah, that’s right! Teachers don’t teach REAL HISTORY anymore. Most just teach approved indoctrination of NEVER thinking for your own self as an INDIVIDUAL! Yeah… that explains it all.

There are themes that I keep bringing up in my writing, and I apologize if I focus on certain ones too often, BUT some need to be repeated ad nauseam since more than one generation DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT THEM! Most Schools aren’t teaching them. Most people of any age aren’t reading books about them. News channels would rather tell their lies instead of even mentioning the TRUTH. If you don’t read on your OWN then you’ll NEVER know anything to explain WHY this evacuation from Afghanistan NEVER should have happened like it has. WE LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND!

I’m absolutely ASHAMED of what those in so-called charge are allowing to happen to OUR OWN! I agree with taking out all those that helped us for the last twenty years, but OUR PEOPLE SHOULD BE FIRST PRIORITY! I don’t have any kind of war degree, but come on! Even I have enough common sense to see what the actual events needed to be done before this idiocy had been allowed to happen: 1.) Destroy ALL paperwork so NO enemy gets any tactical date; 2.) Evacuate EVERY single AMERICAN; 3.) Destroy ALL armaments enemies could use; 4.) Withdraw OUR military!

IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE! This is LOGIC. Apparently, NO ONE in power has that! God Almighty, help us, because those in power won’t help anyone but themselves. They are trying to overpower our Democracy to turn America into a socialistic country. WE CAN’T LET THEM! EVERY AMERICAN needs to stand up and SCREAM, “NO! This is NOT right!” FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE needs to not allow TYRANTS to take over! They are ALL trying to do THAT. How can you trust leadership willing to LEAVE OUR PEOPLE BEHIND? WE CAN’T! Help STOP it!

Some of our Patriots have taken their own steps to get OUR PEOPLE out. We might have even more doing it right now without public knowledge or even government involvement. I’m okay with that since the less that any of the powers that be know right now is a GOOD THING. We can’t trust most of the military big-wigs we’ve been seeing to actually DO anything since it’s become political theater. Clandestine operations like those portrayed in RED would probably BE the best solution, especially since they would not be in the pockets of politicians. GET THE PIG!

While I completely understand that movies are NOT what you base actual military strategies on, I still think that our veterans see themselves as embodying most of those personalities in real life. Current military for the most part must think they do too or they wouldn’t be doing their jobs right now. America leadership needs to get their proverbial heads out of their behinds and DO THEIR JOBS TOO! As a military daughter I REFUSE to accept leaving even 1 of our own people behind due to incompetence! THIS IS COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE! Get them OUT… or ELSE.

What is ‘ELSE’? I hope it will be proper voting to express our viewpoints of how the Unites States of America needs to NOT be changed into the United Totalitarian States. Socialism or Communism isn’t acceptable EITHER. The ‘ELSE’ might come to actually physical force before we get the point across to the chaos-minded tyrants. I don’t want another Civil War, but I’m willing to die before I let the regimes that my father and uncle fought against in WWII take over MY AMERICA. Let’s try peaceful by contacting our officials and speaking out, but if that fails… then ELSE.

AMERICA NEEDS TO BRING OUR PEOPLE IN AFGHANISTAN HOME! This should have been begun in April or May, but since it wasn’t then we need to begin a strategic locating/securing/extracting mission for ALL those in Afghanistan that needs rescued. The excuse of theme not ‘registering’ makes me want to beat the crap out of those that have the gall to even say that. DOD should KNOW who is there and STILL needs EVACUATED. Terrorist excuses go only so far when we have 13 dead from the attack. Citizens, Afghans, Military OUT, then blow up left behind stuff!