Tag Archives: #Jesus

“Where Is The Church of Philadelphia from Revelation in 2022?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©12/17/2022

I’ve been a Christian for forty-two of my fifty years and in church for almost as long. As I see what’s happening around the world and in America specifically in 2022, I’m heart-broken and frustrated as a Christian believer. I’ve asked “Where is the Elijah of each generation?” before, but I’m adding another question to hopefully wake up ALL Christians and bring them to their knees in prayer with understanding and revival purpose. Although I’ve seen groups of people all doing ‘good things’ for others, I’m still failing to SEE the spiritual church of Philadelphia rising again. I saw it in action and was part of it in 1987, so with the prophecies being fulfilled now why hasn’t Philadelphia risen up with His Power? Has the True Church of the Lord Jesus Christ become SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP? Does anyone wish for REAL Revival?

I see so many of Ephesus that I have been part of at various times in my fifty years because it’s easy to lose your first love when you’ve been hurt by ‘religious people’ who can be misled. I see some of Smyrna suffering through years or even decades of trial while the rest of us stay safe in pews. I see those trapped in Pergamos, trying to reach the souls their hearts long to pull free from fires of idolatry and depravity that easily ensnare people who don’t know the power of Jesus Christ that can change them and make them whole by His Spirit. I see a few of Thyatira trying to do good works to show loving charity that EVERY Christian is supposed to do in the name of Jesus Christ, but some have been compromised by a Jezebel that shows up as false reward but leads to death. I see those of Sardis still struggling to hold onto true teachings.

The bad thing is that I mostly see those of Laodicea that are neither hot with revival fire of gifts or cold with only poisonous chains of legalism. They are lukewarm with perceived riches that are false as they refuse to accept the spiritual gifts that God Almighty wants to give to them or a calling they fear because they don’t want to lose societal power and are ‘comfortable’ in a world they think they helped to create. They CHOOSE to remain spiritually miserable, poor, blind, and naked. THAT is where a majority of ‘religious’ people living in 2022 are – BLIND TO REALITY. Are you? Do you even know someone who is? Have you been one but were pulled out and are searching for a Spiritual Philadelphia now? Where are you in the spiritual church map? I’ve lived in every single one of them in one way or another over the years of my life.

Although being a part of Ephesus hurts, being Laodicea is the LAST church type you want to be. Read Revelation again and check where you line up right now. Before Revival can even happen, Christ believers MUST BE HONEST with themselves, each other, and the world! There are too many hiding behind their looks of superiority, spouting buzz words they don’t even believe, being slick speakers with messages without a spiritual CHANGE, or teaching we are ALL okay when the reality of our human sin natures means those who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as a personal Savior (Yeshua HaMashiach), Lord, King, and God Almighty are in peril of going to Hell. This is a matter of your Eternal Salvation OR damnation. Jesus Christ died in the place of EACH of us on Calvary, and we EACH need to accept HIM personally!

I’m not judging anyone. I’m pointing out that considering where we are right now in the social, political, socio-economical, physical, psychological, and personal aspects of this country, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ by Grace and through Faith in HIS BLOOD GIVEN FOR US TO SAVE US should have already been catapulted into an honest REVIVAL! Why haven’t we been? Is there ANY Philadelphia Christians left in 2022? While these different churches were historic in our past and have spiritual lessons within Revelation, they are STILL AROUND IN 2022. I just can’t seem to SEE Philadelphia. I’ve been looking. I want to be a part of THAT church in these last days because I believe we’re IN the last days of the Grace Dispensation ‘Church Age’. We might even still LEAVE in 2022 if it’s time!

WE MUST EXAMINE OURSELVES! As a born-again Christian and pre-tribulation believer of the prophecies written in the Christian Holy Bible, I have been studying this for forty years. Do I have all the answers? NO. Do I think the Christian Holy Bible does? YES! If so, then why are churches not addressing what is going on in this world RIGHT NOW? I’D REALLY LIKE TO KNOW! The only answer I’ve come up with is that people are refusing to BELIEVE in what the Christian Holy Bible says because they’ve been brainwashed, lied to, and basically BLINDED to what is NOW HAPPENING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM that the Christian Holy Bible TOLD US WOULD HAPPEN! They can’t SEE IT. It just doesn’t register to their awareness. They’ve accepted a reality that DOESN’T EXIST. It’s all Deception!

I don’t know if the last Great Deception will be alien ancestors, climate change, or some other thing humanity will come up with, but the inability to critically THINK is a MAJOR PROBLEM for humanity! Reading classic literature is no longer encouraged, and when it comes to proven history differing opinions are discouraged. So-called ‘educators’ want all to be ‘group thought’ instead, and that is ignorant and destructive. Satan is LAUGHING. Do you understand? SATAN IS LAUGHING AT ALL OF HUMANITY! Christians gave up education to the enemy decades ago, and yet so many don’t seem to understand HOW America is teetering on the chasm to one of the levels of Hell now! Some didn’t get teachings like I did that MADE a student QUESTION ideas before making a “theory” into a PROVEN absolute, and that’s awful.

I know I write A LOT about the degradation of education in America in these Op-Ed’s, but as a continual learner, reader, researcher, and Christian Apologist, I MUST point out these things while I still have access to get the message out to whomever this is meant for and needs before it’s too late. I don’t know if Jesus Christ will come back in 2022, BUT HE STILL COULD! He COULD come back ANYTIME from this point on. Whether in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 or beyond I KNOW HE WILL. It might not happen the way Christian movies have shown it or even similar to how the movie ENDGAME showed people disappearing, but it’s not a matter of IF or HOW… the matter is WHEN. For my fifty years it’s been taught that a Christian Revival will happen BEFORE Christians are taken, but what if it doesn’t?

I want as many people who can be to be saved by Faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ that purchased EVERY single person’s pardon if you will simply BELIEVE and allow Jesus Christ to restore you to family status with Father God Almighty of Creation BEFORE the Great Tribulation happens on Earth. You can read the Christian Holy Bible Revelation at blueletterbible.org for FREE in various versions. IT IS REAL NOW AND WILL BE LATER. ALL of it hasn’t already happened. THIS isn’t a fable or story to force you into a religious experience. This is a Historical Past being referenced as churches that DID exist but are ALSO in prophecy NOW. They STILL are here in some form as last things DO HAPPEN. Prophetic Christians believe we will be supernaturally taken to safety BEFORE first judgment seal is broken in Chapter 5.

Twenty-one judgements are SCARY even when put in archaic descriptions. We now have technological relevance that shows HOW it could happen NOW when in ancient times it seemed impossible. It still seemed that way centuries ago and even the decades before 2022. Compare the Christian Holy Bible prophetic passages to the historical evidence, proven scientific facts, real archaeological findings, and current substantiated news. If you place the timelines with specifics then it becomes easier to see they line up to what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen and WHEN. The Christian Holy Bible stated that the Earth had a ‘circumference’ while regular people still claimed it was flat. I think I’d rather believe the Christian Holy Bible instead of worldly teachings, especially when my ETERNAL SOUL is at stake of missing Heaven!

I’ve studied different religions over the years as I met people with them and wanted to know the religion’s history and where it differed from Christianity. After thirty-seven years of study, I still believe Christianity is the one true religion with Judaism as a foundation of the Old Testament that was originally in their writings. There are Jews who have accepted Jesus Christ as Yeshua (their Messiah) since their own research has proven this conclusion too, and they have been saved as Messianic-Jews. Factual research is the way to compare and contrast to then conclude that evidence has been proven as without doubt for you personally. I might have questions and doubts about certain teachings by others related to my faith, but I’ve known the LOVE of Jesus Christ as MY Savior, and once you know HIM personally, He NEVER leaves YOU.

I have my moments of emotional breakdown about daily things that drive me crazy and cause me to ask my Jesus where He is at that moment. He ALWAYS shows me in some way that can’t be coincidence, and then I am reminded that He is the Potter and I am the clay. He is God Almighty incarnate and I am flesh not yet redeemed physically but reclaimed by soul already. Jesus Christ is NOT a genie. Jesus Christ is NOT Someone we serve ONLY at Easter or Christmas. Jesus Christ IS the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE! He IS the Savior of the world so ANYONE can accept HIM. HE IS I AM in human form so He could die in humanity’s place for the sin in each human’s blood by birth. God Almighty of Creation loved humanity so much He had part of Himself born as Jesus Christ to die FOR US so He didn’t have to be without us.

Sin is the kryptonite that Satan (fallen Lucifer that was once a worship angel in Heaven) uses against humanity to keep us from accepting Jesus Christ as Savior just so he can fool as many as he can to separate them from God Almighty to hurt the Creator as revenge for God Almighty loving humanity so much that He made the plan for Jesus Christ (the life essence of God) to be born as a sinless human, die in each person’s place, rise again to give new life to each believer, and return to take ALL believers to Heaven. This plan was made BEFORE humanity was created, and that infuriated Lucifer. JESUS CHRIST LOVES EVERY PERSON WHO HAS EVER LIVED AND WILL EVER LIVE. Accepting Jesus is the way to interfere with the evil plans Satan and his demons (other fallen angels) have. “Philadelphia” needs to share it!

Russia, China, and Iran are now lining up the way the Christian Holy Bible spoke of in Old and New Testament prophecies, so that should REALLY be a WARNING to Christians to understand the TIME IT IS! There might only be two more prophecies to be fulfilled: the last soul to accept Jesus as Savior to be saved in the Grace Dispensation and the last Jewish person that needs to have returned physically to Israel right before or at the time the Rapture (‘calling away’, spiritual translation, or supernatural removal) of Christian believers happens. Revival is spoken of happening too, but it might not be the way any of us thinks it will be. After the recent Covid-19 pandemic, a revival might have been halted, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still happen the way those of us in 1987 were expecting then… maybe better now too!

Where are you, church of Philadelphia in 2022? We have a LOT of Ephesus now, but you can change to become Philadelphia! Each of the churches was given a way in Revelation to leave a state of failure to become part of the church of REVIVAL! Even Laodicea can break free and be restored to soul-saving Gospel sharing. No matter which church you are right now, you can ask God the Father to forgive you by Faith in Jesus Christ and be placed where you were meant to be in these End Times of trial that we ALL face in 2022. Every single believer needs to be reaching for those still lost by sharing the Truth of Jesus Christ as soon as possible. None of us know WHO that last person to be saved is BEFORE we will ALL be transferred supernaturally to the realm of Heaven! What if that WHO is someone you know? What if…?