Tag Archives: MessianicJew

“Revival Begins With a Moment of Allowing God to Use All Our Scars…” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02-17-2023

I have been praying for years now that a revival for the younger generations would start soon since things seem to be lining up for the very last Biblical prophecies to be fulfilled in real time. Seeing the commercials on television by a few ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that reach out to the hearts of humanity have encouraged me to keep on sharing the Truth of Christianity and not the religious ploys that have turned people away in despair. Right now, a praise service in a university in Kentucky is going on since February eighth, and I have been praising Jesus Christ for this confirmation that this is NOT the end of possibilities for the last great harvest to happen in time for those who will accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior, Lord, King, and God Almighty. Though I have failed at times to do all I was called to do, I still believe!

An attendee at this Kentucky revival gave his testimony that shared his scars, and that one step of allowing others to see we ALL need Jesus because we ALL have scars caused a change in the atmosphere that led to continued outpouring of praise that has brought people from all over! THIS is what we NEED to see the change Jesus Christ can give to anyone who is willing to be HONEST with each other and let Jesus Christ use those scars to heal hearts of others. When believers ADMIT THEIR SCARS, it helps unbelievers to SEE the brokenness that we ALL have! I wrote a song I named, “Use All My Scars” a few years ago but haven’t been able to put it to music yet, but this might be what I needed to get back to that and finish it to record and put up online at my YouTube channel for Anyone Anywhere to listen to for FREE. I’ll try!

Each one of us is needed to reach every individual who seeks the life-changing LOVE that Jesus Christ will use to change them spiritually once they believe He died in the place of EACH AND EVERY SINGLE PERSON to be saved by Grace through Faith! All we have to do is BELIEVE He did what He said and allow Him to begin filling each one of them with His Grace, Mercy, Love, Joy, Peace, and Power that leads to reaching anyone we can for Him. This might sound like a fairytale to some in the world, but I have known Jesus Christ as MY personal Savior since I was eight years old and I’m fifty now. Even when I get upset and overreact, He has NEVER FAILED ME. That is a Truth I live my life by, and I have NEVER regretted a moment of walking the path He’s given to me. I fail at times at worst times, but HE NEVER HAS!

We Need Revival as the body of Jesus Christ no matter what denomination we are! I see Laodicea all over this land, and that is the worst of the churches mentioned in Revelation for their outright lukewarm attitude. We need to be RED HOT! Christianity is NOT a dead religion. Christianity is the Faith of believing in a Personal Savior to change us from the inside out to show HIS love for each individual. Too many churches only care about fame, money, or worldly status. The REAL church of the Lord Jesus Christ only cares about SOULS! I see people who are LOOKING and even LONGING for what the Gospel of Jesus Christ can GIVE THEM! They just don’t know WHERE to look because too many who claim to be saved doesn’t seem to even know how to help anyone else to be saved. THAT IS FAILURE!

I have my moments of meltdown, failed opportunities to witness, and blatant angry fits that I’m not proud of, but if sharing THAT will help anyone else see that ANYONE can know Jesus Christ, love Him even when we mess up since we are ALL still in the flesh and NOT yet changed to our redeemed bodies that will happen at the time of the Rapture of the church that we might face sooner than many think, then I’m willing to let the Lord USE ALL MY SCARS if that can lead a soul to find HIM. Our own pain can be used to soften the hardest heart if we’ve been placed in the person’s life for THAT PURPOSE. If my having Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in remission to share how Jesus is still using Me for HIM in spite of my loss of energy from the disease then I’m still willing to keep trying even when it is hard to do.

My Fantasy novels and Original songs are meant to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a different way for those age groups that are having a revival right now at the university! Everything I’ve been through will be worth it if there is even one thing in my novels that reaches ONE person. One SOUL is worth a lifetime of work. One SOUL is worth a life of sickness. One SOUL is worth a thousand tears, a million sighs, and a gazillion moments of doubt about me since it’s NOT really about me in the end… IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS! I can be selfish sometimes and end up ranting and raving when I’m overwhelmed over something that really is stupid in the grand scheme of life but important to me at the time, but even in the middle of my worst breakdowns the Holy Spirit reminds me that HE is the ONE to fix ANY problem.

There are consequences for sin even after you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. New and old Christians make mistakes even if they read the Holy Bible to learn more about how to live a saved by Grace life, but my understanding from the Holy Bible does not say there is an ongoing ‘Grace Exemption’ if a person knows they are purposefully doing the things that the Holy Bible says not to do. Ignorance is NOT bliss; the Holy Bible says that in the latter days people will ‘believe a lie and be damned’, so you lying to yourself will probably have the same result. I struggle with things and question others, and I will stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ for His judgment of my life someday and will see what turns to ash and what turns to reward, but I’ve paid in life at times for what I’ve done too, so we all need to keep reading.

Prayer is another important thing to keep yourself in the proper spirit to allow Jesus Christ to have His Holy Spirit to revive you to help revive and reach others. What’s happening in Kentucky right now NEEDS TO BE HAPPENING TO ALL CHRISTIANS AND POSSIBLE CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE! With as bad as things have been during Covid-19 pandemic we should have been praying like never before since church services were stopped, but now that things are a bit better than last year it hadn’t seemed any real change had begun yet… until Kentucky! That kind of revival spirit can be at EVERY SINGLE CHURCH IN AMERICA IF WE ASK HIM IN! Maybe that’s the real problem – too many people who claim to be Christian might not want any change because they haven’t really had SALVATION happen to them.

That is one of the saddest things to think. I know that a lot of people go to church, but how many actually asked Jesus Christ to become a person’s PERSONAL SAVIOR by accepting that He died in that person’s place and asking for forgiveness? THAT is the ONLY way to receive Salvation from the sin each person is born with due to a birth taint that came down through humanity after the spiritual fall of mankind. Those students at the reviving services in Kentucky are spreading the Joy of Salvation by simply sharing it honestly, not corporately or legalistically. They have the Power from Jesus Christ showing on their faces, in their voices, and by their words of encouragement. THAT is what EVERY church in America NEEDS… HONEST PRAISE! When was the last time you were in a church service with that?

Thirty-six years ago when I was fourteen (yes, I can do math), I enjoyed services with the most anointed music services I had ever experienced. Although I’ve enjoyed other churches and concerts over the years, there still wasn’t the acceptance of the Holy Spirit controlling the service like back then. It seems like even churches that preach the Gospel and claim to be ‘Full-Gospel’ don’t seem be letting the Holy Spirit to orchestrate anointing, gifts of the Holy Spirit, or testimonies that could lead to the other two happening. Are people that afraid to let GOD ALMIGHTY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT take control? While I know some charlatans have made leaders question the validity of gifts, it still bothers me that there seems to be a corporate kind of dismissal of anything ‘super-natural’ since they can’t control it. That’s wrong.

It’s also WHAT is needed… uncontrollable Holy Spirit Revival that humans can’t control! I’m not talking about being crazy. I believe that services need to be in decency and in order like the apostle Paul said. I’m saying that when it comes to the Holy Spirit moving, no man should try to interrupt it for their own personal control issues. Those who are spiritually mature should be able to KNOW the difference. When people gave Messages and Interpretations in Tongues during those services I was in so long ago, EVERYONE there KNEW it was the Holy Spirit controlling those. Since we humans seem to mess up everything we’re given control over, then I’d much rather have the Holy Spirit be the One in complete control whenever I want to connect spiritually with like-minded Christians so we ALL can be fully blessed.

Even if Spiritual Gifts aren’t openly used, anointed music like shown in Kentucky can open people’s hearts to consider accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and might even lead to miracles that might not be known about until later. I’m okay with that too. I just want the open praising without any purpose but thanking our Savior for all of the blessings He has given and keeps giving to us even when we don’t deserve them or thank Him enough for them. I’m sorry to say that even I don’t as much as I should. I keep writing lyrics for songs, but setting them to melody can be hard at times, so it’s been frustrating lately. I still have to try to at least do the one for “Use All My Scars” since the Kentucky revival really has blessed me seeing all of those young people doing at their age what I did at that same age decades ago now.

Seeking forgiveness for letting Jesus Christ down with what He has asked for us to do as a church or even as an individual is where overall revival can take root in more places than Kentucky. Are Americans willing to examine their individual hearts and be HONEST with their individual souls? I’m not sure, but I’m hoping there will be enough for this amazing revival to continue since it could be the last before Christians are taken away like Holy Bible prophecies claim happens before the Great Tribulation (pre-Trib viewpoint) begins that will shift world focus to Israel as they endure the missing years sentenced by God Almighty for not resting their land as He had demanded. We seem to be coming to the end-times as warned about thousands of years ago in the Jewish Torah and Christian Old and New Testaments.

We’ve had false dates given over the course of time, and I have warned of possibilities for the past few years too as different things happened that seemed to point to it being time or almost time. Regardless, it seems like things are now progressing towards all of the prophecies needed to be fulfilled according to the Holy Bible have been fulfilled except for the last Israeli that has to be back in Jerusalem and the last person to accept Jesus Christ as Savior at the time of the taking away or ‘Rapture’ of the Christian and Messianic Jewish believers. Nations listed in the Prophetic scriptures are lining up as alliances right now, technology has advance enough to explain some things that could not be before, and things are like ‘in the days of Noah’ once you compare the Old Testament to current day news. It’s just a matter of time and saved souls.

The present-day human interest in ‘UFO’s’ has grown to unprecedented numbers in 2023. This might be what is thought as the ‘great deception’ according to some theologians, or it could simply be something used to explain millions to billions of disappearances when that happens. I’m not sure, but I have written about this possibility and how all people need to NOT accept any identification (implant, tattoo, or device) that requires a person to proclaim a leader to be ‘god’. Those who do will be lost eternally because that leader will be the anti-Christ against Jesus Christ. After Christians are removed and twenty-one judgments listed in prophecies happen, there will be limited time to accept Jesus Christ once these things begin. I urge YOU reading to consider what time it is and how you NEED JESUS NOW. Please pray:

“Father God Almighty of Creation, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I ask you to forgive me for my sins as I accept Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior since He died on the Cross of Calvary to pay for my sins so I can be saved and not have to go to Hell once I accept that He is the Son of God, died sinless, came back to life, and is coming back for believers to be taken to safety while judgment begins on Earth. I don’t deserve Your Love, Mercy, or Grace, but I accept YOU and believe I am now saved from destruction spiritually. Help me to learn how to live, reach out to others to tell of You, and KNOW YOU for my loving Savior You have been before even the beginning of Creation. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN!”


Op-Ed by Tonja Condray Klein©05/27/2021

Michael W. Smith released a song in the 1992 named “Love One Another” that changed my perception of what my mission was to be as a believer in Jesus Christ, my Savior, Lord, King, and the Son of the only Living God Almighty of creation, and it still is true in 2021 – my mission should ALWAYS be about every ONE I meet as an individual that I am supposed to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with so that person’s life can be reclaimed by the Grace of God given through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary in place of us to PAY for the cost of OUR SINS.

Now in 2021, I still believe in every part of my Christian faith in the Christian Holy Bible. Jesus Christ still died in place of each human to pay for the sins of humanity so we can be restored to a relationship with God the Father through faith in the Son’s sinless blood sacrificed in our place and with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this world. So WHY does it seem to be so much harder to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in a way that isn’t boring religious rules that are dead? We need an exciting RELATIONSHIP-CENTERED connection to the God of the multi-plane Universe!

Jesus Christ reached out to INDIVIDUALS. In groups, He was still personal to each of those who would cry out. That’s what Faith in the sacrificial shed blood of Jesus Christ in each person’s place and His resurrection to restore us is meant to be – PERSONAL! This is for ME, YOU, and EACH ONE who lets Him enter into your heart. HE IS THEN, NOW, AND FOREVER! If each person could only understand that YOUR INDIVIDUAL SOUL MATTERS TO GOD ALMIGHTY, then maybe everything would fall into place for you to see your important part in this life on Earth.

If this knowledge is supposed to be understood by all those who claim to be believers in Jesus Chris then WHY is church no longer personal? Why is the set number of songs, sermon points, and offering amounts the focus now? It seems that only a few years ago we used to know EACH person, EACH need, EACH prayer, EACH salvation, EACH healing, EACH deliverance, and EACH and EVERY Holy Spirit Gift in not only word but also in actual DEED! I’ve been in church services that were so alive with the Presence of God Almighty by His Spirit that I didn’t want to ever leave.

WE NEED JESUS VISION! NOT self, NOT program, NOT entertainment, NOT dead platitudes, and NOT a few memorized talking points. We NEED individual lives transformed from death to LIFE ETERNAL. Those religious things won’t give you anything but more death. True Christianity is ALIVE. When the Holy Spirit touches your soul you will FEEL it and HIM. Not an illusion, brainwashing, emotional overload, or a religious learned ability. The Holy Spirit and His gifts given to believers is part of a spiritual inheritance if Jesus is your Savior. It is also the gateway to Jesus Vision.

What does that mean? Well, Jesus Christ the Son of God Almighty allowed the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove to light on Him as a sign of His anointing. The Holy Spirit still gives signs through the Gifts if a Christian allows Him to work through that person to SHOW that God is still among us. How can we follow the mandate to go into the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we refuse His help through the Holy Spirit to give the signs of anointing so truth will be accepted? Too many charlatans have been used by the enemy to discount the Gifts but don’t be deceived by that.

Satan always has his false powers that mimic God Almighty’s real Gifts. We can’t go into this final battle while keeping the Power of God through the Holy Spirit from being IN US to work THROUGH US to reach people in ways we can’t do on our own alone. Can you not SEE the lost? Can you not HEAR the pain? Can you not FEEL the chains still binding them? If you can’t then you need to ask yourself, “Why Not?” Be honest with your answer.

JESUS forgave the sinners. JESUS healed the sick. JESUS raised the dead. JESUS told His disciples that THEY would do even greater things than He did! So what is missing in 2021 to make it seem like what Jesus said is a lie? THAT is blasphemy, so why is the so-called church showing they believe a lie every single time the church doors open and the people leave as lost, bound, dying, sinning, and otherwise incomplete as they were when they entered? What are we ALL missing? What is so wrong that we don’t even SEE the truth in front of our faces every week? WHAT?

WE NEED JESUS VISION ONCE AGAIN! Are YOU His disciple? Do you see the needs now? Do you feel the pull of the Holy Spirit that whispers in your heart that there is MORE? THEN WHY AREN’T WE DOING WHAT HE SAID!?! It’s easy to get bogged down with real world problems that we’ve seen in 2021 unlike any encountered before, but doesn’t that reality tell us that prophecy is ticking, and if we don’t move with it we’ll miss being part of it? I refuse to not be a part of the calling of God Almighty through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit because someone else doesn’t agree.


“Father God, we come to you in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and the Savior of ALL who will believe. We believe He called us to continue His ministry here on Earth as He waits for prophecies to be fulfilled for Him to return for ALL believers saved by Grace through Faith as Christians and Messianic Jews when the ‘Church Age’ or Grace Dispensation ends. The signs of the times are pointing to what Your Word states they would in the Christian New and Old Testaments and Jewish Torah, so please unleash a Holy Ghost led Revival of JESUS VISION! Help us to bring in the last souls to be saved BEFORE the Rapture (Calling Away or Spiritual Evacuation) happens right BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Show us. Call us. Equip us. Restore us. ENERGIZE US! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit we pray so YOUR WILL IS DONE… AMEN!”