Tag Archives: Nuclear

“Wars and Rumors of Wars with Perilous Times in 2022” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©02/27/22

As we in the United States of America watch the news about the incursion of Ukraine by Russia, Christians should be asking a very important question, “How does this fit into the Last Days of the End Times in relation to the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ?” While I still won’t put an actual date on when Jesus Christ will return to get believers saved by Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ to take them out to safety BEFORE first judgement seal broken, certainly this also points to a specific scripture that came to mind right after American withdrawal from Afghanistan possibly leading to War on Ukraine and a future incursion of Taiwan by China. The United States of America should attempt to discourage all of this to not cause nuclear war now that Putin has put their nuclear response on high alert.

“Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Matthew 24:7   For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Matthew 24:8   All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24:9   Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” from the Christian Holy Bible King James Version

This scripture has been referenced ever since first written when any war or time of unrest has been seen by Christ believers, whether right after Jesus Christ returned to Heaven after the Resurrection around 33 A.D. or throughout the last 1989 to 1995 years, so why would it seem to be more likely to be speaking of what is actually happening in 2022 now? If not because of other scriptures that speak more about our present world situation we can see daily when contrasted to the histories of many nations around the world then I can only say that our world is more like that in 2022 than at any other in Pre-history (Ancient), Classical, Middle Ages, Early Modern, or before now in Modern history. The Christian Holy Bible tells us things that happened throughout time, but there are specifics for End Times that are even more dominant now.

“2Timothy 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Timothy 3:2   For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

2Timothy 3:3   Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

2Timothy 3:4   Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

2Timothy 3:5   Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

2Timothy 3:6   For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

2Timothy 3:7   Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” from the Christian Holy Bible King James Version

All of the verses above are happening in 2022, but verse 5 seems to be leveled at Christian churches specifically about them having a form of godliness but denying the Power of God Almighty. THAT is WHY we haven’t had a REAL REVIVAL yet! I’ve seen the TRUE POWER of God Almighty in Christian Church services in 1985, so WHY are we not allowing the Holy Spirit to let His Gifts flow through believers in Jesus Christ who long to see many be saved by Faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for all of our sins? ‘Wormwood’ has been thought to be a nuclear attack DURING the Great Tribulation, but it isn’t supposed to happen before Rapture happens of the Believers in Jesus Christ, Gentile or Jew. Is it possible that the Rapture won’t happen first? Not according to the Holy Bible we put ALL of our Faith in even in 2022.

My uncle was a Baptist minister, and I went to several different denominations over the years, but I believe we need a FULL-GOSPEL SPIRIT-FILLED GIFTS-OF-THE-SPIRIT-EMPOWERED REVIVAL! If we don’t we could be kept here until we get our act together enough TO DO WHAT GOD ALMIGHTY CALLED US TO DO! Then again, I and the ones who believe we won’t go until the last soul to be saved in the Grace Dispensation period happens are wrong and we are taken out anyway? What if we have to stand before Jesus Christ, the One who shed HIS BLOOD for us and have to be told the names and shown the faces we failed to give an account? JESUS, HELP US! We can’t fail those souls waiting for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to SAVE their lives AND CHANGE their lives RIGHT NOW! WE MUST NOT!

WE MUST WAKE UP! Some who claim to be Christian want to stay here and try to build their own empire, so they don’t want a revival unless it gives them more money. I want a REAL REVIVAL to give us a LAST HARVEST! I WANT TO GO HOME! In case you don’t get it, HOME IS HEAVEN. I have a mansion of my own waiting for me, not because I deserve it but because I believe in Jesus and HE PROMISED! “Just build my mansion next door to Jesus, and tell my family I’m coming home!” I have so many of my personal family, my church family, and my spiritual family to get Home to see, either again or for the first time. I want to go, but I don’t want to leave anyone behind who is meant to come with us. Each Christian should think about how you’ll feel when you give account of those you failed to reach.

“Oh, someone else will do it. I can’t take a chance on religion making people hate me! I have to keep my image of popularity, so I can’t be thought of as one of ‘those’ people.” Yes, I have heard those excuses for my almost 50 years, and even now they are nothing but prideful excuses that God Almighty is NOT going to accept for letting a single soul die and go to hell because YOU wouldn’t even TRY to reach them for HIM! I’m angry at churches myself for just NOT wanting to reach EVERY SINGLE SOUL POSSIBLE! EVERY SOUL POSSIBLE! NOT who YOU think deserves it. NOT who YOU think can raise admiration from fellow self-righteous hypocrites. NOT who YOU think is okay enough to share you church pew! Unto the least of these we are supposed to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! THE LEAST OF THESE!

NO ONE is beneath God Almighty’s notice! HE wants ALL of the LEAST OF THESE! HE wants ALL of the WHOSOEVER WILL! Who are any of us to not try to reach them for HIM? He gave ALL for THEM and ALL OF US. How can we do any less for HIM? Some believers around the world are DYING because they claim their Faith in HIM. How can any of us in the United States of America or any other free country be so prideful to not see those who are led toward their own destruction without even understanding it because WE ARE NOT TELLING THEM! How can God ever forgive us for that? If you think I write these just for fun or acclaim THINK AGAIN. I write these to reach JUST ONE MORE! Anywhere! At Any Cost! EACH SOUL IS PRICELESS! How can any Christian think less than that?

I’m watching the news about Ukraine now, and my heart cries out for the people. Afghanistan before, Ukraine now, and possibly Taiwan next; we see the countries being lined up for the final phase before the Rapture might happen that leads to the Great Tribulation Period as prophesied thousands of years ago. I’ve watched actual prophesies happen in real time as leading to the final ones before the Grace Dispensation ENDS. This year, a couple more years if calendar off, or 2029 as one Israeli writer offers, the Christian church has a little time to get us right, have a Real Revival, and claim that final harvest of souls for the kingdom of God Almighty before TOO LATE. I don’t want anyone who can escape from Great Tribulation to be left behind when Gabriel sounds the trumpet of Jesus Christ to take us to safety in actual Heaven.

It’s been preached for over two thousand years, and even before that in the Old Testament prophecies too, so no one who has read any of the given Word of God Almighty has an excuse to not see what’s happening in 2022, especially those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, and we must try to do what God Almighty asks for us to do NOW AND STOP WAITING! While those in Ukraine are the most at risk today, the nuclear threat is worse at this moment than even in the previous Cold War era that I lived through. CHRISTIANS BEGIN PRAYING! This upgraded level of High for the Russian Nuclear Defense Assets is something that anyone who lived through the last 50 years can relate to as being very frightening. While I still believe Christians will be evacuated before the first judgement, we should PRAY FOR ALL!

Believers in Salvation through the Blood of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God Almighty should be praying, speaking out with wisdom to those around us, and use pinpointed Prayers of Spiritual Warfare by those who have that Spiritual Gift. We need to be praying for the leaders in any occupation who could make a difference to keep the worst possible ending for Ukraine and the world. If a nuclear attack happens then EVERYONE will be affected! The deaths would be catastrophic alone, but just like with Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II the people still alive after initial strikes would pay with their lives from after-effects of radiation at a greater level since bombs now are stronger which means even more death and damage in the aftermath. Even if biological weapons, it would be disastrous.