Tag Archives: Research

“United States of Akkad in 2022 A.D. instead of 2200 B.C.?” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©08/10/2022

I’ve been reading a lot of history books about the years of Antiquity and Ancient Empires including Sumerians, Hittites, and Akkadians since I traced one of my family lineages to the Macedonian/Turkey area in 720 BCE historically. When I came across what has been thought to have happened to the Akkadian Empire along with others before in same area at the same time as the Egyptians, I was shocked that Akkad seemed to disappear from the Earth after being a main empire for hundreds of years before. A three hundred year drought happened to cause deaths and then forced relocation due to the loss of crops, water, and lack of ability to keep people alive let alone prosperous as the empire had been for hundreds of years. Weather cycle drought and a main volcanic eruption caused their demise to happen in antiquity.

I had an “Oh, Lord Jesus, could the major drought in the United States in 2022 be a precursor to us like it was to Akkad in 2200 B.C when their leaders didn’t consider prosperity was getting ready to be taken away violently?” Weather cycles has been happening for centuries as noted by various histories, and they still happen around the world today even though ‘climate change’ is the current term that is NOT what they claim. Could this once prosperous country of America see a similar catastrophe happen here as it did to Akkad in Mesopotamia almost four thousand years ago? I’m sure those Akkadian, Macedonian, and Egyptian leaders hadn’t thought the Atlantic current temperature would become so low that rains wouldn’t fall for centuries. Food became scarce, fighting for survival began, and empires couldn’t recover.

The United States of America in 2020 had become energy independent and an exporter of oil to other countries, had businesses with goods to meet the needs of American consumers by stable transportation, and had been enjoying the most robust economy in American history… until Covid-19 became our volcano. Government policies quickly took our economy down more when it halted our main export that made us become dependent again within two years, but Covid-19 had an even steadier descent factor. American liberties were sacrificed to try to save lives since people wanted to live and help others live too. We didn’t realize that personal rights and American resources were being taken away as much since deaths from the worldwide pandemic made living become more important than freedoms that weren’t gone yet.

In the United States of America in 2022, we’re seeing our own country in a 27% drought in July with wheat crops failing and the Hoover Dam losing 158 feet of water as dangerously low! Gas prices are extremely high due to the policies that stopped us from being energy independent with our gas production that had been steady. Our transportation chain has slowed and is causing shortages, and if more crops fail then we’ll see even more increases to costs of main foods that will hurt middle and lower income Americans. Russia war with Ukraine might have caused some of our problems, but leaders have been spending OUR money and giving away OUR oil! Is America NOW Akkad in 2022 CE? Our leaders seem just as unaware of the drastic consequences from their actions as the Akkad leaders were unaware back in 2334 B.C.E.!

Guiana, Shri Lanka, and the Netherlands went ‘green’, gave up ‘farming’, and began starving. In 2018, France had riots when they tried to do the same thing. With these developments the world seems against “Modern Civilization”. If you read Hourly History book MESOPOTAMIAN HISTORY: SUMERIANS, HITTITES, AKKADIAN EMPIRE, ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, BABYLON then you’d know the ancients discovered ways to do things 4100 years earlier than people in 1400 CE England who didn’t. Records about Mesopotamian empires weren’t even found until “Cuneiform” tablets in the19th century and were translated. We now know that the empires kept homes warm, waste away from the homes and water sources, and farming plentiful to the point they exported food… until a volcano and a drought.

While I agree with intelligent and responsible conservation of this planet, some things being forced on the world in 2022 as the ONLY ways to keep ‘climate change’ from happening are more ignorant than the ways that the medieval society had in their time – Bubonic Plague, people! Proper water temperatures ARE needed for RAIN to produce FOOD, and long times of DROUGHT makes that impossible like it did with Mesopotamia about 6122 years ago. So WHY let a non-democratic foreign country buy OUR farmland near air force bases? We have a drought in 2022 for our farmers to deal with already! We risk NEVER being independent from countries that want to take freedoms we have left to then try to RULE OR STARVE us. Is this what the American people want because we are too afraid to say, “NO!” to China?

You can call me whatever horrid name you want, but I have read FACTS to PROVE what I take my time to write. Is it possible I accepted another person’s findings that seemed verified but have been refuted since? It’s possible, but I do have eyes, ears, and a functioning intellect to help me to decide what I choose to stand with when others only have blank concepts that make NO SENSE, emotional platitudes that PROVE NOTHING, and loud voices that only have those two things that are without REAL substance for any intelligent person to accept it. I READ A LOT. I read 113 books in 2020, 93 books in 2021, and 51 books to date in 2022. I don’t take anyone’s opinion before doing my own research of a subject, compare content to known facts, and accept what is rooted in REALITY. I’m not perfect, but I do try to be verifiable.

IF the drought taking place in America this summer lasts for more than a couple years and is said to be caused by ‘climate change’ then I’ll check on weather cycles to see if they explain how weather cycles were responsible instead. IF it was ‘climate change’ as claimed would cause it in our time then I’ll admit it, but I know we wouldn’t last more than a few years let alone hundreds like Akkadians did 4222 years ago. Considering that solar panels and wind mills CANNOT DO what supporters claimed they would in a national capacity, I won’t hold my breath. Fossil fuels (Natural Gas, Coal, and Oil) ALL are used for electricity NEEDED for Windmills AND Solar Panels to work. If we stop using Fossil Fuels we will have NO electricity. NO electronics, heating, cooling, or food storage. Mesopotamia did better on 3 out of 4!

The Russian war in Ukraine has been a current crisis, but now China is trying to secure Taiwan and tried to stop our Speaker of the House from visiting by actually giving a death threat if she did. America’s government isn’t trying to protect our national borders, farming land, energy sources, or even the prosperity of the American people coming out of the pandemic. Instead they are causing a present recession and passing a bill that will steal money from the middle and lower income Americans with tax increases for many years to pay for ideological projects that will weaken this country even more. With the drought already pointing towards hard times for regular people when it comes to just feeding their families, you would think our leaders would try to SECURE what AMERICANS need to survive. They refuse to do it.

If we’d all take a serious look at the historical and archaeological reasons and outcomes of what happened to the Akkadians in 2200 B.C. then we’d be able to see a correlation and try to CHANGE COURSE for America in 2022 A.D. Leaders need to STOP doing the things that make NO sense and makes America WEAKER with their failing policies and impossible allocations of this country’s resources without America’s best interest at all. Leaders need to STOP letting us become dependent on foreign products and resources. Americans needs to create them LOCALLY so we can take care of each other! If not, Americans will suffer a lack of food, medicine, heat, and electronic components used daily. Is that the kind of life any American wants? Are we going to let unaware or uncaring leaders destroy American lives this way now?

I don’t know if the House can stop the horrendous bill going through, but if it passes then our freedoms, those in the middle and lower incomes especially, will be harmed. I’m debt-free, but I have family who can barely afford food or living essentials, and they work now or have worked and retired. If you want to drink the free Kool-Aid some politicians are handing out from both sides, then be my guest. I won’t drink anything they hand to me. Politics are a poison. I hate it and the people who serve as high-priests or priestesses to their ideological religion KILL. “FREEDOM!” is my cry, and I don’t mean chaos that disrespects this country’s laws. I mean JUSTICE by our Constitution with Law and Order for the people by the people; FOR EVERY COLOR, GENDER, OCCUPATION, FAITH, AND SOCIAL STRATA!

ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL! That is something I STILL BELIEVE exists in 2022. We just have a bunch of Akkadian-minded leaders who can’t see a volcano or drought bearing down on America in 2022. I SEE THEM! Can’t you? I really want to think that most people in America have at least a BIT of common sense. I’m hoping ALL of you that do will prove it in the upcoming election. Our leaders are not seeing what common people are very clearly, so we could actually think they are technically completely BLIND. I don’t want to be like Akkad. There is a possibility as a Christian that I MIGHT be gone BEFORE these mid-term elections. If not, then I’ll “Sound the alarm!” before that volcano or drought overtakes America completely. I promise to try!