Tag Archives: Rights

“When I was a Child I thought like a Child… I was Colorblind AND Patriotic!” Op-Ed

By Tonja Condray Klein(c)02/17/2022

I began learning to sing when I was about four or five years old at home with my mother as we listened to Christian and even some popular secular music like Elvis that we would sing together to while my father was at the Dayton Mall in Centerville, Ohio every Saturday. We watched movies. We watched news. We watched programs of drama, romance, action, and even mysteries. That I was born September 1st in 1972 is something that I’ll be thankful happened for as long as I’m in this world. I believed the United States of America was the best and most loving of all countries with freedoms that we’d never lose in my lifetime. I still believed all of those until 2020. I’ve posted many spiritual warnings in my Op-Ed’s to try to get the reality of what we are facing and WHY it is so important to know.

I’m a born-again Spirit-filled Christian believer, but I am not a religious fanatic or political activist; I vote my faith. I vote my personal convictions. I vote for my voice to be heard in government by the people I choose to support. ALL of that indicates a Constitutional Democratic Republic upheld by laws agreed upon FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. NOT Totalitarian. NOT Dictatorship. NOT Oligarchy. NOT Socialist. NOT Communist. There are enough types of those governments around the world in present day, and they have been noted in documented history to show NONE of them from before have ever been as FREE as the United States of America. EVERY people over time have practiced slavery over other people not of their race or creed. That doesn’t excuse it, but every group is guilty of it.

I don’t judge by color; I acknowledge by character. I don’t choose friends by religion; I have friends of almost all different ones while I hope to show the love of Christ while still respecting their choices even if my heart breaks as I pray for them. I still believe that the United States of America IS the most FREE when compared to the rest of the world now; I simply don’t trust most of the leaders in power in 2022 AT ALL. I’m not a conspiracy theorist; I’m being honest. I’m not a partisan; both parties have bad apples trying to destroy all that I love about MY COUNTRY. I was born here. My father fought and bled in World War II and my uncle died in it. I’m a law-abiding American citizen who loves the Declaration of Independence, Francis Scott Keyes’ National Anthem, 50-State American flag, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

When I was a child I believed that as an American it was my job as a student to learn all I could about our history to become a productive adult who would understand how our freedom was fought for and how we keep the people free by not allowing leaders to take over illegally and without the approval of the legal citizens. This is COMMON SENSE. It is NOT some religious, political, or extremist viewpoint; this is the AMERICAN viewpoint and has been before I was born. I haven’t been brain-washed in school like some in the latter generations have been or at least were subjects for them to be through propaganda instead of actual LEARNING THE DOCUMENTED FACTS. I’ve seen what some in the Millennials group were being taught with my own eyes, and I would bet my bottom dollar it is getting much worse in 2022 now.

I was given scholarships and grants for my 4.3 GPA and ACT/SAT scores to go to college. I’ve told some of this before, but this is a VERY IMPORTANT FACT. I was in college after I graduated 4th in my Northridge High School class of 1990 in Dayton, Ohio. I was taking Computer Science as my major and Teaching as my minor. I was going to code in more than ‘Basic’ and teach History in Middle or High School. I got sick, missed too many classes, and withdrew. I went to work and then got my Webpage Development Certificate at Edison State Community College in 1999 that I still use to this day. I’m PRO-EDUCATION; I’m ANTI-PROPOGANDA. I’ve SEEN class homework since I graduated and tried to help my niece then her children that are my great-nieces and great-nephew; their classes barely had ANY FACTS.

I’m a Christian who supports historical humanities even if they aren’t seen as seemly by some in various Christian communities, but just like Freedom of Speech is supposed to protect my right to proclaim my faith and beliefs without any fear then it also applies to those I don’t agree with so we all have an open right to disagree without aggression or violence. I’m PRO-SCIENCE if that Science is PROVEN and DOCUMENTED; I’m very emotional about many things, but I don’t say that what I feel is FACT because my feelings are NOT Objective, and yet Science is supposed to be PROVEN FACT. I took Chemistry in High School, but I still learned basic biology and chromosome absolutes. I also know that there has NEVER been a racist mathematical equation unless it was a word problem a racist teacher created – MATH IS PURE!

What is my point with all of these examples? I WANT PROVEN EDUCATION! I was going to be teaching kids at one point, but in 2022 I’m actually THANKFUL I DIDN’T become a teacher. I NEVER could have let a teacher union force me to teach LIES to the children in my care or lose my career at their discretion to make my education cost me more than the money wasted if that had happened. I would have QUIT before betraying my compass of right and wrong as well as what would have actually been ILLEGAL according to laws at MY TIME in school. I know many teachers who taught and inspired me would have felt the same way and would have REFUSED to teach LIES if they’d faced it. I still applaud any teacher today who IS standing up for the FACTS and refusing to tell LIES to their students in 2022!

Even though I didn’t get to teach History classes in schools, I at least was able to be a Sunday School, Children’s Church, and Vacation Bible School teacher over the last 37 years. What I taught any of those kids over the years all have Documented secular history from many countries as well as Documented first-person writings other than the Holy Bible, and NONE of them could be refuted unequivocally over the course of thousands of years so far. Some might try now, but I hope any parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or great-aunt/great-uncle will stand up for FACTS and FAITH against the lies being forced upon those in school and even in some churches. Whether you agree with my points-of-view or any or all of my teachings, for the love of everything factual, PLEASE PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN FROM THE LIES NOW!

I might have some ‘out of this world’ ideas about Christianity and Historical records that I write about currently, but what is happening in schools is too important to let doctrinal disagreements keep us from addressing this by standing against their attempts to indoctrinate (brain-wash) children against our country and our way of life to protect FREEDOM. As a Christian I don’t want to see more violence like we witnessed in the 2021 riots. I will defend myself and those I love if someone attacks, but I want for people to try to LEGALLY change policies, schools, or churches. If they won’t then it might mean changing physical locations to where those policies are not being taught. I have great-great nieces in school and great-great nephews who will be in a couple more years, so this is something I’m praying about now more often.

I’ve been trying to share this information with their parents and all of those who read this so all of you can keep watch to protect those innocent children from being targeted. In the countries that the United States has been to war with before I was even born, the policies, practices, and propaganda have been used to take the children during that time away from the influence of their parents to get them to become wards of that government. DON’T YOU SEE THAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE USA? I’m not talking about one political party over another one either; I’m talking about being wary of ANY GROUP trying to make you relinquish your children’s minds to their teaching without your consent or specific knowledge of lessons being given. During this pandemic some parents finally saw some of what I’m talking about.

I research any topic I write or talk about before I even consider posting my opinion. I don’t have a degree in any subject except webpage development. I READ. I LISTEN. I WATCH. I TAKE NOTES. I COMPARE. THEN I WRITE. That is still part of the Scientific Method that I read about when in school, but now? I don’t know if they ever get beyond being indoctrinated and brain-washed to become little mouth-pieces for their education controller. Like I stated before, I commend the teachers who refuse to be that, so this is not meant to be toward you personally. For those teachers who are doing that or even worse now I have a word of unsolicited advice – STOP. Before you damage even one more precious child, STOP. Before you tell even one more lie, STOP. Parents – Reclaim your children peacefully and walk away.

Fairfax County, Virginia and even San Francisco, California have shown they are standing up for the freedom of their children against mandated masks and class content that is not proper education according to their views. I don’t have a problem with books being available to ADULTS under any subject matter due to the Freedom of Speech each American ADULT has the right to claim. Teachers giving lessons on subjects to students of my time (1975-1990) would have been FIRED for teaching it then, but they have been teaching it in 2022 until parents saw the reality of anti-American and what would have been called Pro-Racist teaching too that would have had teachers FIRED before! We need to teach these dark pasts of our country to learn how to NOT repeat it, but in 2022 some are now teaching students HOW to repeat it worse.

When I was a child I thought like a child. Please don’t let anyone else rob your children from that joy I still have in my memory of almost 50 years now. None of us are getting any younger in body, but we can keep one small part of our innocence as adults when we try to NOT let the children learn things they shouldn’t yet. They DO need to learn that OUR FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. My father taught me that when he spoke about World War II, but he didn’t talk about that often since his brother was hit by a sniper in the Philippines and died. Dad was sent home early because of that death. HIS FREEDOM cost his brother’s life. Who do you know who died for yours in addition to Jesus Christ? I won’t meet them in this world now, but one day I might, and I truly hope that I’ve proven to all of them that MY FREEDOM was worth it all!

When “How Can I Not” Becomes “Why Should I” – Part 3

By Tonja Condray Klein©03/11/2021

First of all, I’d like to make it perfectly clear that every opinion of action is not only towards all others who claim to be Christians but also to me. I read the Bible study by Anne Graham Lotz in the DECISIONS magazine from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association March 2021 and was humbled as I read the scriptures she noted, saw the true beauty of the meaning to the Church of Jesus Christ, and wept as I repented of the times I had failed my Lord and Savior. THIS is how Revival truly begins. Judgement begins at the House of God! We need to listen to the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

It must have been increasingly depressing for those in captivity in the times of Daniel, Nehemiah, and Jeremiah in their land of Israel. How could they even think about speaking the words the Lord gave to them when their very lives were at risk? Yet they did. Over the course of history in this world, people of Judeo-Christian Faiths have had to do the same in the time of Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and Tao. Now in 2021 America, we might come to the point we will have to stand in the midst of possible punishment if we hold true to what the Torah and Holy Bible says we have to speak as being truth.

Americans have enjoyed Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Religion since its creation. I personally have never had to fear sharing what I know the Holy Bible says about any subject in discussion, but now? This might no longer be allowed by American citizens even in discussion if views are opposite those of special interest groups that will be ‘protected’ from anything they view as ‘hate speech’. Opposing views that don’t use degrading metaphors or titles should NEVER be tagged as ‘hate speech’. Freedom of Speech protects speech we don’t agree with for a reason.

If we lose the ability to discuss, debate, and agree to disagree while still allowing people to express their views as safe personally then our country WILL NO LONGER BE FREE. This should not only upset those of faith or any religious belief but also those of different backgrounds and groups that want the right to open representation. “No taxation without representation” was the cry of patriots before the American Revolution. Why should we be forced to not speak what we believe is truth because someone else doesn’t agree? We EACH should have our voices be heard and openly allowed!

“How can I not?” is my cry in 2021. We have so many in groups that call themselves churches that live by ‘Why should I?” since it is convenient to not give friction between others who might not agree with them. John the Baptist was a non-conforming individualist who prepared the way for Jesus Christ to then stand against the religious groups in His time for the TRUTH that HE IS. Christians need to understand that we are not called to be silent. Jesus made a point that if the ones praising Him were silenced then the very rocks would cry out. I WON’T LET A ROCK TAKE MY PLACE!

One of the latest bills that has already passed in the House of Representatives recently and still needs to pass in the Senate would be very negative to those who have conservative views by actually making it illegal to express those viewpoints. THIS is DANGEROUS to our FREEDOM. I might not be able to even post links to my personal op-eds on social media sites like I do now if this happens. While some wouldn’t care about it happening to me, how would YOU feel if something YOU believe in was on that list of things no longer allowed to even be spoken about publically?

This seems Orwellian, right? Welcome to 2021 in America! If ever Christians began to pray against these things, speak out to our leaders, and come together as a united front then IT IS NOW. How can we allow our own freedom-loving Democratic Republic to turn into the land of the bound and home of the repressed? WE CAN’T. Freedom of Speech needs to remain protected for ALL AMERICANS! That has been one of our pillars of society since 1776. Even a historical date is being hit with the freight train of biased lies. Students are no longer being taught documented facts of history.

I’ve mentioned my disregard for present-day teaching mandates, and I will continue to do so for as long as I have rights, but I don’t do it because I disdain education. I was going to college with Teaching as my Minor! I had the grades in high school to get grants and scholarships to go for a Major in Computer Science and a Minor in Teaching if I hadn’t been ill and had to withdraw. Education in important, but only if facts are represented in curriculum. I have read different grade homework that my great-nieces would get me to help them with, and I knew the facts I’d learned were replaced with lies.

I’ve also mentioned the non-fiction novel LIVE NOT BY LIES: A MANUAL FOR CHRISTIAN DISSIDENTS by Rod Dreher. If you are as concerned for America in 2021 as I am, I suggest you get this novel and read it for not only historical facts all over the world but also the parallels we need to be aware of with what is happening in our country. I’m actually angry. My father fought and bled in World War II, and his brother died in combat that had my father being sent home. The changes happening now are not only a slap to every single veteran then and now but to military families too.

I don’t want socialism. I don’t want communism. I don’t want an oligarchy. I don’t want an authoritarian state. I WANT THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC MY UNCLE DIED FOR AND MY FATHER FOUGHT TO KEEP! I won’t sit by and stay silent anymore just to ‘get along’. The Facts are the Facts. Our way of government has been the envy of others in this world for generations. IT WORKS. The only time it doesn’t is when egomaniacs in government try to take control over WE THE PEOPLE, and THAT doesn’t work for long. Americans have always been FREE-thinkers.

Why has this ‘free-thinking’ suddenly deteriorated? Brainwashing students from grammar school through college with non-factual classes, forcing workers to be re-educated at work on non-work subjects, and constant media coverage of every single possible social stance that goes against every single spiritual leaning of mankind – yes, that would do it. It’s been going on for YEARS behind the curtain, but it’s now being thrust front and center in our own living rooms. Hey, if we want free stuff with free money and free time from not working to do whatever we want then NO free-thinking!

There are quite a few really BAD words that I’d like to use right now – FREE SPEECH, LEGAL GUNS, OPEN FAITH, PAYING JOBS, PERSONAL HEALTHCARE, ATOMIC FAMILY, and BIBLICAL MARRIAGE. Oooh… REALLY BAD WORDS! At least they are for those currently trying to destroy our country. While a couple of those are terms used during my Generation-X or earlier, if you have read, listened, or watched conservative news then you’ll know each of them by now. The point is that we NEED to realize what is happening and what is at stake NOW.

Blow ye trumpet in Zion! Sound the alarm in thy holy mountain! As Christians we should be spiritual Watchers on the Wall of our country the way those in the Old Testament were physically for Israel. I’m not trying to incite panic or a need for fear, but we do need to be MINDFUL of reality within the confines of Biblical prophetic possibilities. America has kept other forms of government from overtaking us for decades, and it’s up to US of legal age and citizenship to make sure we do everything legal to oppose what leaders are trying to do to our country in 2021 to deny Americans our rights.

What can we do? PRAY. Intercessors for America (IFA) is a great source and meeting media for Christians to pray together digitally online or on the phone first Friday of the month, Tuesdays and Thursdays too right now. VOTE. Even though they are trying to pass bills that will make your vote no longer count, do it while you still can. SHARE. No matter what way you use to spread the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ, do it while you can with the understanding that time is of the essence like never before in this country. We need the ELIJAH of each generation to STAND now. ~TK~


By Tonja Condray Klein – 11/01/20

As I watch what’s happening in America 2020, I must not keep my voice silent or fingers idle! We’re facing a possibility of seeing the complete totalitarian over-throw of our Founded Constitutional Democracy. WE MUST VOTE OUR FAITH on 11/03/20! Support all of the candidates that stand for protecting our CONSTITUTIONAL FREEDOMS, our GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS, and our ability to use FREEDOM OF SPEECH online or in public! I will NOT be silenced. I will NOT stop sharing views. I will NOT let anyone keep me from utilizing my abilities with the written and spoken words that are all mandatory for my calling as a Singer/Songwriter/Novelist/Blogger in this crucial voting time!

NO ONE should be allowed to take away my rights to share my views, my support, or even my disagreement. WE ALL HAVE RIGHTS! I may not agree with you, but so help me God I have the right to say why online or publicly. YOU TOO! I’m calling on all of those who share my beliefs or at least the foundation of our country to VOTE YOUR FAITH or FREEDOM! Anyone who is for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness should see themselves as ‘Watchmen on the Walls’. This concept is from the Old Testament in the Christian Bible in the days of Israel centuries before our country began. Being a watchman means we MUST NOT let others succeed taking over our country’s political system!

The watchmen have to stand on the wall, watch for invaders trying to infiltrate for purposes of destruction of present government, and fight them with the weapons they had. We must FIGHT WITH OUR VOTE! I don’t want violence, whether social, psychological, or even physical during this election. I want people to THINK about what is important, VOTE for those who will try to keep us safe, and PRAY for those who are against our government’s foundation to have moments of clarity by spiritual means we need to employ immediately. Be KIND to those we meet but protect yourself, stay STEADFAST with your values in spite of hate, and LOVE enemies in the midst of contention.

THIS IS NOT EASY! I have a temper like Mt. Saint Helen, but I will do all I can to utilize my decades of Customer Service skills during this time. I may hand out cards for my two Fantasy novels as witness to someone who desperately needs Christ as well as great stories of action and adventure. We must find ways to distract from the political anger that seems to be seeping into every single group. It isn’t God Almighty’s will that we fail to be His representatives here on Earth until Jesus Christ returns. That may happen sooner than any of us can imagine, but we need to VOTE to keep this county as the Constitutional Democracy that it must remain for as long as we are still here to share the Gospel!

Even if you don’t share my faith I want you to be free to live your life with the FREEDOMS this country founded and has endured since after the Revolutionary War. There is NO country in this world without failures of certain groups in dark times, but the foundations of THIS FREE COUNTRY needs to be upheld and protected by the constituents AT ALL COST. Our flag bleeds red from the many soldiers who have defended it, white for the righteous concept that ALL men and women were created equal, and blue is for vigilance and justice in keeping this country FREE. We must NEVER forget what good we Americans have done over the years, and we must learn from our mistakes. VOTE for that chance!

We have today and two more days before we cast our ballots if you haven’t already. I’m asking all of you, regardless of race, gender, color, creed, or religion to VOTE for those that want to make life in America to be the land of promise and opportunities that the colonists and immigrants saw it as all those years ago. We MUST have law and order. We MUST keep our rights to worship together. We MUST see others get the chance to legally join our nation. These are ALL necessary to keep this nation as a whole fulfilled country that leads the way to prosperity, shines its light of freedom around the world, and lets its countlessly different citizens continue to strive for the future and show how FREEDOM reigns!