Tag Archives: Rosh Hashanah

“Rosh Hashanah Rapture OR Revival Rapture!” Op-ed

By Tonja Condray Klein©09/04/2021

I already did an Op-Ed concerning the possibility of Rosh Hashanah being the time when the Rapture or ‘spiritual evacuation of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior from each of our individual mortal bodies at the same time’ happens supernaturally once the last human soul has accepted Salvation through Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ for his or her mortal sins that is in every person at birth happens in present Grace Church dispensation occurs. Rosh Hashanah happens from September 6 through September 8 in 2021, so that means Christians could leave in 2-4 more days. While this is possible, it is NOT an absolute. Some theologians have theorized when Jesus Christ told His apostles, “No man knows the day or the hour” that it was a Jewish colloquialism for Rosh Hashanah, as I’ve mentioned before.

I DON’T KNOW. I’m a born-again Christian believer in Faith through accepting the atonement given by the Blood of Jesus Christ shed on Calvary for humanity’s sins. The Rosh Hashanah theory could simply be a way for men feeling more in control of their destiny or a way for Satan to interfere with the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Either is possible, but I know one thing is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN – Jesus Christ WILL RETURN to supernaturally evacuate ALL of HIS believers! Some like me believe it will be BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. Some believe it will happen DURING that time. My reason why I believe before is what the Bible says about the anti-Christ that seems point out he can’t take control UNTIL the believers in Christ are REMOVED since the Holy Spirit is in each one of us.

IF this interpretation of the Holy Bible about WHEN means BEFORE the Tribulation, and IF Jesus Christ did mean for Rosh Hashanah to be THAT time, THEN I and millions to billions of people might disappear in two days! IF NOT then it means that one point of a Jewish holiday that literally is interpreted as ‘no man knows the day or the hour’ because it spans two days from sundown of one to sundown of the next was NOT meant for Christians to point to as the Rapture time. In other words, DON’T FREAK OUT! This is ONLY a possibility. Christians are ALSO told in the Holy Bible to be aware of the seasons and times to SEE what I happening, and if Afghanistan isn’t then I’m a Martian… and I’m NOT. This changed the landscape of the Middle East to be ripe for the anti-Christ to take over as a ‘man of peace’.

The song, “Maybe Today” by White Heart really DOES give Christians the RIGHT perspective about how we all SHOULD be continuing to PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST ALWAYS! I might leave here supernaturally in two days, but IF I DON’T THEN I will still be sharing my FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST until I do. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE. While even so-called scientists no longer believe in scientific absolutes, this supernatural ABSOLUTE IS INFINITE. It doesn’t change. It doesn’t waver. It doesn’t alter. It’s doesn’t bend. IT IS because HE IS I AM, like the song by Petra. All the Christian songs I have listened to since my childhood through teenage and adulthood STAND FIRM. If they spoke of Jesus Christ, His deity, His life, His death, His resurrection, His return, and His reign, THEN they STAND FIRM.

From The Imperials, Cathedrals, Inspirations, Kingsmen, Hinsons, Paynes, Rambos, Hemphills, Truth, and others in Southern Gospel to White Heart, Petra, Carman, D.C. Talk, Allies, Farrell & Farrell, Geoff Moore & the Distance, Jars of Clay, Kim Boyce, Eric Champion, Michael W. Smith, Kutless, MercyMe, Newsboys, Russ Taff, Skillet, Stryper, Hawk Nelson, Casting Crowns, Toby Mac, Disciple, and others in Contemporary Gospel or Christian Rock ALL point to Jesus Christ as being Savior, Lord, King, and God of Creation as the Son aspect of our Triune God. Many have tried to silence this reality, destroy this human history, and even ban these beliefs that can CHANGE ANYONE ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME. Many governments outlawed Christianity and believers still die if they believe. Are we in America still able to?

In TWO TO FOUR DAYS, we might find out IF we truly believe in what Jesus Christ said, did, and promised. Are you a ‘sitting on the pew’ kind of religious person OR are you a ‘Jesus God ahold of My Life and Won’t Let Go!” Born-Again Believer in JESUS CHRIST? Not religious. Not superstitious. Not spiritualist. Died-in-the-heart Believer! Believing Jesus Christ died for YOUR SINS gives you a Blood Transformation! What He shed is placed on your own account in Heaven’s records of humanity to read, “PAID IN FULL”! ONLY FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST DOES THAT. You CAN’T earn it. You CAN’T work for it. You CAN’T mentally attain it. You CAN’T die to get it. You CAN’T do anything BUT BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AS SAVIOR. THAT is what CHANGES your status in Heaven.

I don’t try to only live closer to God as Rosh Hashanah approaches. I try to live for Him EVERY DAY. I fail all the time since I’m still in this mortal body that still wants to sin, and my mind is the battleground of the enemy to try to make me fail to do things like what I’m writing right now. I FAIL. JESUS NEVER DOES! Like the song I adore by the old group TRUTH, “Jesus Never Fails”! You can get the 25th anniversary edition from 1997 on iTunes still or see video on YouTube put up by robbase1969 from the “KEEPER OF MY HEART” album 1982. This song is STILL so powerful by TRUTH with the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ with His Power, His Glory, His Grace, His Mercy, and His Love for ALL OF HUMANITY. ANYONE can be saved. No race, country, origin, or background required! ANYONE!!!

If NOT Rosh Hashanah in 2021 THEN we NEED a REVIVAL in 2021! With all the craziness going on around the entire world WE NEED A CHRISTIAN REVIVAL! I’ve been FREE to live as a real Christian since I was saved at 8 years old. I just turned 49 on the 1st of September in 2021, so I’ve enjoyed FREEDOM with my FAITH for MY WHOLE LIFE. China, Russia, Iran, Nigeria, and many other socialist, communist, and authoritarian countries DO NOT ALLOW CHRISTIANITY – THEY KILL CHRISTIANS! Some know this and give to groups trying to help those believers, BUT THIS should get Americans to WAKE UP! Our Democratic-Republic is being destroyed. ARE YOU WILLING TO DIE FOR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST? Many of us don’t even go to church, so could we claim Christ when facing death?

I hope I could be that brave and steadfast if seeing torture instruments to be used on me to make me deny Christ. IT COULD HAPPEN IN AMERICA! They might try taking away jobs so you can’t buy food for you or your family first, but some in our present government is trying to label any conservative viewpoint as terroristic! THAT IS INSANE, but it is being said on regular television programs RIGHT NOW! They might ban ALL of our individual social media accounts to try to silence us since many have had that happen to them already. I might lose my platforms too, but I’ll post TRUTH as long as I can. I’m a loud-mouthed, Born-Again, Spirit-Filled, Child of God Almighty through my Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ as payment for my sins, so I’ll try to do what my EIRINTH Book 4 is named: “DEFY THE STORM”!

Are you ready for the storm that’s coming? If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you might face a storm unlike any you’ve had before. WHEN millions to billions of people worldwide disappear like characters in ENDGAME did, are you ready for the insanity that will descend? You might not understand or want any spiritual link with any god, but God Almighty is giving us all time to realize that what the Christian Holy Bible said would happen is RIGHT NOW. Do I think we might have a couple more years? – Maybe. Do I think Rosh Hashanah 2021 might be the time for us to be taken? – Maybe. I don’t know, but things are getting worse every day. I try to follow guidance Jesus Christ gave to His apostles in His time…WATCH. I’m watching, waiting, sharing, praying, writing, and posting.

In Matthew 24:42, Jesus Christ says, “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” He repeats it in Matthew 25:13. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” True Christians should be WATCHING! Do you SEE what’s happening? I’ll use a Scottish phrase “DO YOU KEN IT?” meaning “Do you KNOW IT?” I KNOW THAT I KNOW THAT I KNOW that Jesus Christ is coming back. Will it be in the next two to four days? I don’t KNOW. I simply think it’s POSSIBLE. Am I going to keep raising the alarm until He does? YES! I want as many souls as possible to know my Jesus Christ as Savior before the Rapture happens. This is THE SPIRITUAL ENDGAME! People who claim to be Christian NEED to make sure THEY ARE SAVED to reach others!

Even if it happens that we have as long as a decade, Christians still NEED A REVIVAL! We are supposed to be the radiant Bride of Christ when the Rapture happens. I DON’T SEE A RADIANT CHURCH NOW. I see the bunch of compromising or legalistic religious groups that don’t seem to even realize that WE NEED ACTUAL REVIVAL! God Almighty, help me, but I’ll even put on pantyhose and wear a dress or dress-suit if someone will BEGIN A REVIVAL! I’ll sing as much as I can until my voice gives out if SOMEONE just BEGINS A REVIVAL! There are those that are in highways and byways that we need to REACH. Why do you think I’ve been writing my novels and songs if not to reach THOSE SPECIFIC PEOPLE? That is MY CALLING. What is yours? GET BUSY TO REACH AND REVIVE!